Do you really care about the state
of our planet? You see our earth is crying and asking for a help? With the
increase of global warming, water pollution, dying oceans and endangered
animals, this planet needs a rescue. Then as a smart human being, you should be
ready to help it and do what you can do to make our planet smile again. Here
are some steps to save our planet.
First step is to save the air,
there are some common steps to reduce the air pollution and keep it healthy and
1. Plant
more trees, don’t cut them very often.
The trees
produce more oxygen for the humans so that they can breathe freshly. Imagine
that there is no trees, with hot weather and pollution, can you live? So let’s
go green.
2. Leave
your vehicles at home if they are not necessary to be used.
Do more walking
and riding bicycle than driving a car or motor when you go anywhere. Your
vehicles produce much pollution when you ride them more often and will pollute
the air. Moreover, they will have a chance to make global warming. Then, do
less flight as long as it can be reached by land transportation.
3. Use
more solar energy than electricity.

4. Buy
local goods
Buy local goods
will reduce the transportation of those things to reach you. And it’s the
opposite, you don't need to go far away to buy what you need, this will reduce
the use of fuel and air pollution.
5. Eat
more vegetables and local meat.

6. Report
the smoking vehicles.
Whenever you see
smoking vehicles cause air pollution, just report them to the nearest local
The second step is saving our
land. Don’t let your backyard full of pollution from the waste you make
1. Use
less chemicals.
Use less
chemicals like shampoo, soap and anything else that cause pollution. When the waste
is absorb by the land, it will cause unhealthy environment and end up with the
water supply.
2. Throw
the toxic to the right way.
Wasting paint,
oil and other chemicals should not be thrown in the grass. It will soak into
the ground and end up with the polluted water supply.
3. Use
less plastic.

4. Make
your own dishes.
The safe thing
that you may do in daily life is making your own food. Plant your own
vegetables or your local and raw meat or fish then make your own dish. Imagine that
you buy canned fish, or food wrapped by materials that cannot be recycled. Then,
also make your own healthy drinks. Cans and plastics from softdrink cannot be
5. Recycle
your waste or compost.
To reduce the
land pollution, you should do anything that can be recycled. Buy products that
can be reused, use plate when you eat and reduce the use of food box from the
restaurant which is only disposable. Then, compost your leftover after you
finish eating, and give it to your hungry plants.
6. Make
your own laundry.
Do laundry by your
hand. If it can be done by your hands then why not? Too much residual of water
detergent will make unhealthy land. Buy washing the clothes with your won
hands, you can reduce the use of detergent and save your water.
The third step to save our earth
is conserving the use of water. Use the water in a wise way and don’t throw in
1. Conserving
water at home in a daily life is the first step you can do.
Fix your water
leaks, ask your favorite plumber to stop it so that you can use water wisely. Don’t
let the faucet running while you brush your teeth and also don’t let your water
running continuously when you wash your clothes or dishes. Use your water
nicely, don’t throw it in vain.
2. Throw
the toxic waste to the right way.
Paint, oil from
your car will make water pollution. Those will be soaked into the earth and
influence the water production under the ground. Then, reduce your chemicals
use. Soap, shampoo, detergent will absorbed into the earth and don’t use too
much shampoo when washing your car, it will flow into your grass and kill the
living things there. Ask your local sanitation department about how to dispose
your waste.
3. Identify
water polluters.
Involve yourself
to be a volunteer in cleaning the river or sea or lake. Contact your representative
about the chemical-free and express your idea about the waste that is produced
by industries and other businesses. Also give your people in your area some
advice about water pollution.
The last one is keeping the
animals around your home. Animals need space to live, their homes are getting
narrowed and they don’t where to live.
1. Make
your environment safe to the living things around.
Provide the wildlife to
interact each other by planting more trees and attach water supply for them. Many
animals from insects to birds have lost their habitat because of humans’ deed. So
if you have space, just welcome them. And don’t kill or hunt them for your own
2. Don’t
be over fishing.
Oceans are the
food supply for humans in the world, though nowadays humans often destroy the marine.
So, use your sustainable practice, don’t harm them, eat fish which grow in
season and don’t pollute them.
3. Respect

4. Work
to protect animals.
You see many
animals are endangered every year. Involve
yourself to save them so that your
grandchild can enjoy and see them live in a peaceful way. Help save the
endangered animals is the best way to keep them alive.
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