Saturday, April 11, 2015

Man's Best Friend

A dog is one of the most intelligent animals in the world. Many people has adopted it since long time ago, it might be before century. Humans keep the dog as their pet because of its special abilities and not few people have made it as their member of the family. Dog is a helpful animal, many people need a dog for assisting their activities. Besides it, they also make a dog as a toy pet which needs special treatment to be pampered. Dogs have so many different types and sizes, from smalls to the biggest ones and each of types has different characteristics.They are also sociable animals that can interact with the people around and easily adapt the environment after being adopted. Like a human, dog has a strong feeling and can sense what the owner experiences. It can feel when the owner is getting sad, happy, upset, broken heart and many more. The intimate relation between humans and a dog makes them treat this pet as human being. They buy a house, bed, medical check up and even a salon. People realize there are so many benefits by having a dog in their home. And these are the reasons why they grow it.

Firstly, dog has high intelligence than the other animals. It can be seen when the dog is trained to follow what the owner wants. Though it may need time to train a single dog but it can remember certain instructions in a daily life. Such as when the owner summons it to sit, roll, and give a paw. Not only memorizing some certain instructions, a dog can also be trained to have a competition in a dog show, such as dancing, swimming or catching a thrown object. These special abilities are the small things that the dog has which means the dog’s intelligence can be very high. For example, In China, an unnamed dog helps his disable owner travel to his shoe repair stall where he works. The dog helps push his owner’s modified wheelchair whenever he comes back home. The owner states that he never trains his dog to help him. It happened when he got stuck on a slippery area where he could not move forward, then his dog helped push him and when he said thanks and turned his head, he was surprised that it was his dog. In this case, dog’s instinct is similar to a human, it just wants to make the owner happy. The feeling of helping of a dog can be seen also that many people trust the dog because it can be reliable in overcoming a problem. This can be proved that many of humans’ works which cannot be done by themselves are resolved by this intelligent animal. Polices use a sniffer dog to help them find drugs or it helps the polices catch the offender who flees away. Some other examples of dog’s intelligence are when it helps the hunter catch the prey. The dog will use its track to detect where the prey is and when the dog finds it, it will bark and carry the prey to its owner. Then, dog can help a farmer herd a group of sheep. In a farm, the farmer mostly uses a collie to help him cage his livestock such as sheep or goats. The most important of dog’s intelligence is it can detect cancer. According to a 1989 case study in The Lancet, a patient reported that her dog kept sniffing the mole on her leg and once it tried to bite the mole. She then had her leg checked out and she found that it was a malignant melanoma. In this case, it proves that dog has its own special intelligences which always help the humans do their duties and its intelligences always benefit them.

Secondly, dog is a loyal animal. Dog’s loyalty can be even more than its owner itself, the dog will consider the owner that he is the best one ever. It can be seen on the real story of Greyfriars Bobby, a Skye Terrier dog who was so much loyal to his owner. It was in 19th century when his owner, John Grey, who worked for the Edinburgh City Police as a night watchman died and he was buried in Greyfriars Kirkyard, the old town in Edinburgh. When his master died, Greyfriars Bobby always came to sit near John’s grave. The dog spent 14 years for guarding his owner’s grave until he died on 14 January 1872. This story is very touched that an animal can be so loyal to his master. From the real story of Greyfriars Bobby, it can be seen that a dog has such a great affection to his owner even when his owner dies, he keeps guarding his grave and spends his whole life for his dead master. Another real story also happens to a dog named Skip, from an autobiographical book by Willie Morris. Morris adopted the dog when he was puppy and he himself was a little boy. Years later when they both grew up, Morris left home for his study in Oxford University in the United Kingdom. During Morris’s absence, Skip always waited for him on Morris’s old bedroom, wishing that Morris went home but finally he died in Morris’s room. Though Morris had ever hit Skip’s muzzle, but Skip remained loyal to his owner. And Morris realized that there was no true friend like Skip. From the story above, dog is an angelic animal that is created for human and those evidences show that dog has such a great soul that human even does not. Some people think that their dogs may act nicely to their owners because of the owners’ treatments. Because they get food from the owners and many things in lives including home and the other facilities and if they do not act nicely, they will be displaced. But those evidences show that it can be more than those things, it can be more than a relation between the master and his pet. This can be about the relationship between the owners and their friends, their loyal friends who always make them happy, the owners’ loyal friends who love them. Basically, a dog just wants to love and to be loved. It can be said that dog’s loyalty to its owner is no doubt because dog has a great feeling of love and affection to the owner and it just wants to be with him, even forever.

The last one is dog makes the owner healthy with longer life. Basically, dog is an active animal that likes to do more activities with the owner. Just like a dalmatian, it will become a destructive dog when the owner never gets it out for a walk or plays game of fetch. The evidence shows that a person who has a dog is more active than the one who does not. According to a 2010 study in the American Journal of Public Health, children with dogs spent more time doing moderate to vigorous physical activity than children without dogs. Even for children, dog can be so useful to keep their health. When children spend their time play with the dogs, it will decrease their stress and pressure and always make them cheerful. It happens to the adults too, according to a 2006 study done by Canadian researchers at the University of Victoria, dog owners were more likely to participate in mild to moderate physical activity. They walked an average of 300 minutes per week, compared with non-dog owners, who walked an average of 168 minutes per week. It means that dog owners will have more exercise along with their pets and stay healthier than those ones who do not have. The cheer of a dog to its owner can also reduce the stress and blood pressure. Studies show that physical examinations have demonstrated that the presence of a dog can lower their heart rate and blood pressure during the test. The intimacy between a dog and humans also make them have longer lives because there is strong affection of love and being loved between both. This makes an inner relationship which brings the dog owners to the bliss and mutual protection that will affect to their health.

It can be concluded that dogs have abilities which demonstrate their intelligence in helping people’s activities, from simple ones to a high risk of activities. Also the loyalty of a dog cannot be doubted because it has strong affection and the feeling of love to its owners that may not be had by humans. Keeping a dog makes the owners have longer lives because the dog just wants to make them happy, this leads them into a strong inner relation and it will affect to the owners’ health for being free of stress, depression, pressure and so on.

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