Sunday, April 5, 2015

Easter Celebration

 Easter Celebration: how do we celebrate it??? Here are some tips:

    1. The first time to do is going to the church for praying. Going to the church along with family is much nicer than being alone. Or you may go with your partner, boyfriend or girlfriend. Then, ensure that you wear a nice and polite dress to respect Jesus’s Resurrection. Ask for Jesus’s forgiveness by praying fervently, thank to him for blessing you and save you from any peril and distress.
    2. After praying, eat your delicious meal, don't forget to pray before eating. This is to remember that Jesus still gives you a chance to celebrate this special day. And also it is to give him honor that in this special day, we respect him.
    3. In this day, make a different atmosphere when you enjoy your meal. You can move your dining table to the backyard. Enjoying meal with a family in an open area with fresh air and different view will be an unforgetable memory.
    4. Make a colorful decoration around the backyard, with colorful ribbons and beautiful music, don’t forget your colorful eggs.
    5. Then, prepare your carpet lied on the yard, sit together and tell your kids, just like a storyteller, the depiction of Jesus’s Resurrection. This will make them remember the value of Easter and why we should celebrate it.

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