In the world of education, curriculum is a plan to get an out-come that is expected from the learning process. The plan is arranged structurally for each field, so that it gives a compass and instructions to develop the strategies of learning (Grayson,1978). A Curriculum is also helpful for the students to reach the maximum goal of what they have learned (Nengly and Evaras, 1976). A curriculum therefore is a learning program specifically designed and systematically arranged for the benefits of a group of students. It is given to the schools to achieve the goal of education. As a program design, a curriculum is the base of the learning process where success and failure depends are measured in relation to the understanding of the curriculum being used.

As the curriculum 2013 will be implemented, english will not the main lesson but it may be as an extracurricular. However, as an extracurricular, all students may not choose english as their additional lesson, because they feel they do not need, but actually they do, if they are aware of it. This means that students may choose the other extracurricular offered which can be implemented directly through activities, such as sports or anything else. Another word, english as an extracurricular does not cover all students. That is why, just make english as a local content at least, but not an extracurricular. On the other way, for some people, this may help them by enrolling their kids into the english intitute or private tutoring. However, most english intitutions here cost much money that they have to pay. For example, in some big cities in Indonesia like Jakarta or Bandung, the fee of privat tutoring can reach Rp. 520.000 or Rp. 400.000 to 450.000 per month for Bandung based on It can be said that most kids who enroll this institute are from rich people, particylarly in some big cities, because these will be the main point of view. Even in Yogyakarta, there is one english intitute that define the fee up to Rp. 1.450.000 per level with 24 meetings. On the contrary, the poor students whose average economic may not be able to enroll such kind of the program. Moreover, most indonesian people have average economic. It can be said that because of this, the nation of Indonesia can be left in the term of language. Surely, due to this case, indonesia students will be obstructed in mastering the new language if the curriculum is done. However, if the curriculum keeps making english as the main course properly or at least a local content, this may help the students of elementary school know english better. Thus, even though english can not be the main lesson, but goverment can make english as a local content at least in curriculum 2013, it can familiarize the students to know english in early age.
However, above all those negative effects, there will be a good one of the implementation of curriculum 2013. The purpose of government’s plan that english should be removed is that they want to develop the nation that has cultural characters, religion and Indonesian language. This is to guide the students’ character development since the early age through the science of morality and character education. Beside it, the moral value will be emphasized on Indonesian and local language so that the students master their mother tongue first than the foreign language and its culture. It is due to the globalization era has reduced the culture of Indonesia, most people now forget about the identity of Indonesia. They like foreign product more than local. Moreover, if english is no longer available in primary schools, the students will focus on Indonesian language and culture. The deputy of education and culture, Musliar Kasim states that the main reason why english is removed is that the base level of children, they need to learn Indonesian language first that is not surely they can master well and also its philosophical sense. Moreover if they have to learn english at the same time, they will be pitied (, 10 October 2012). It will be fine that there will be a proof that Ir. Soekarno, the first president of Indonesia, had learned several languages including English and Germany. Not only he was good at speech using Indonesian language but also those foreign languages. Although he could speak some kinds of language, he kept loving his own nation, Indonesia. His affection for Indonesia was great until he became the first president for 21 years. Nevertheless, in Soekarno’s era, there was no globalization like this. The comparison of technology has not been booming like now. This is the evidence that the development of the world can change the culture of nation. In addition, the widespread of internet in whole the world can also support this situation. Thus, the expectation of government of Indonesia in repealing English in primary school can help the student learn the identity of this nation more focus.
The elimination of English in primary schools can be good and bad. The good effect is that the students of primary schools can focus on Indonesian language and culture based on its moral value. Students can learn better Indonesian language in details and its philosophy without any constraint of foreign language. However, this case can also bring some effects such as the students’ ability in mastering languages can not be extended. Then, in the term of language, the students of primary schools will get backwardness from the other countries. Although English can not be the main course, at least make English as the local content, not extracurricular which does not encompass all students. So, whatever decision will be taken by the government, there will be positive and negative sides.
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