Saturday, June 29, 2013

Short Story

Unlucky Day
Tuesday, 25th June 2013

I was late attending the lecture. On the day before it, my friend sent me an sms that we had to be ready for presentation and the next day I forgot to wake up earlier. My friends were waiting for me around 2 hours till one of them sent me an sms, he reminded me that we had a presentation. Surprisingly, I was shocked and startled. Soon I had to do bathing. An hour later, I arrived to the class. They both had been waiting for me for long time till one of them leave the class due to my lateness. He told me that he (one who left the class) got angry. My friend and I was panic because one of our group members left. I sought him around even around the university but resulting a zero mark. I came back to the class again. I called him but he didnt answer, I sent him an sms but he didnt reply. The time passed horribly until the class got over and the lecturer went out of the class. There were still two bodies, me and my friend. However, he got angry not due to me but due to the one of or group members. As he was grumbling, I slowly left him, walked smoothly to the back and ran away.

Then, I went to my friend's boarding house named *****. I told him that I got a bad day. As long as we were talking, he reminded me that we still had the last assignment, it was english for tourism. I was having another group at the different subject. Soon he called the other members of the group. We then went to Vredeburg Museum to record the our visit. Oh yea the assisgnment is that we were summoned to record ourselves at the tourism objects, we had to desribe the object by using english and uploading it through youtube. At the firs time we enjoyed our recording day. There were many objects to describe. As we finished the recording I went home.

The next morning in campus, my friend told me that my video that I recorded yesterday. It had not been recorded. What did I think? I was talking so much and it had not been recorded? How come? I wanted to be angry but to whom? I had to go to the same place again and do recording? Horrible!

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