Sunday, June 30, 2013

Elissa - Ah Min Hawak

Ah Min Hawak

ya 7abiby b2elly keef, keef beyensany hawak
3omry sar sayf w khareef, ma bey3eesh la7za balak
ya 7abiby men zaman, zayed 3alayee assak
7eeraneh w alby 7eeran, la7za mesh 2ader yensaak

ya 7abiby b2elly keef, keef beyensany hawak
3omry sar sayf w khareef, ma bey3eesh la7za balak
ya 7abiby men zaman, zayed 3alayee assak
7eeraneh w alby 7eeran, la7za mesh 2ader yensaak

ana meen 3andy baa3dak, w lameen alby bekoon
men hawak ah men hawak, ah men alby el majafaak
shu saar b7obak su saar, yally 7ayatee seneen
seneen dayaa3

ana meen 3andy baa3dak, w lameen alby bekoon
men hawak ah men hawak, ah men alby el majafaak
shu saar b7obak su saar, yally 7ayatee seneen
seneen dayaa3

ya 7abiby la la tgheeb, roo7y ma bto7mol ghyabak
enta bee 3omry el 7abib, 3omry mendoonak saraab
ya 7abiby 7addy koon, la malaam w la 3etaab
bein gharamy wel junoon, beghraa2 eb-ba7r el 3azaab

ana meen 3andy baa3dak, w lameen alby bekoon
men hawak ah men hawak, ah men alby el majafaak
shu saar b7obak su saar, yally 7ayatee seneen
seneen dayaa3

ana meen 3andy baa3dak, w lameen alby bekoon
men hawak ah men hawak, ah men alby el majafaak
shu saar b7obak su saar, yally 7ayatee seneen
seneen dayaa3

ana meen 3andy baa3dak, w lameen alby bekoon
men hawak ah men hawak, ah men alby el majafaak
shu saar b7obak su saar, yally 7ayatee seneen
seneen dayaa3


my love, tell me how, how could you forget me
my life became summer & fall, i don't live a moment without you
my love, your cruelty to me increased a long time ago
I'm confused and my heart is confused, it can't forget you even for a moment

my love, tell me how, how could you forget me
my life became summer & fall, i don't live a moment without you
my love, your cruelty to me increased a long time ago
I'm confused and my heart is confused, it can't forget you even for a moment

who do I have after you, and to whome would my heart be
i'm suffering from your love, i'm hurt from this heart that never resisted you
what happened to your love, what happened? my life became
years of obscurity

who do I have after you, and to whome would my heart be
i'm suffering from your love, i'm hurt from this heart that never resisted you
what happened to your love, what happened? my life became
years of obscurity

my love please don't be long, my soul can't take your tardness
you are the love of my life, my life without you is a mirage
my love be next to me, no blaming and no accusing
between my love and my insanity, I drown in the sea of torture

who do I have after you, and to whome would my heart be
i'm suffering from your love, i'm hurt from this heart that never resisted you
what happened to your love, what happened? my life became
years of obscurity

who do I have after you, and to whome would my heart be
i'm suffering from your love, i'm hurt from this heart that never resisted you
what happened to your love, what happened? my life became
years of obscurity

who do I have after you, and to whome would my heart be
i'm suffering from your love, i'm hurt from this heart that never resisted you
what happened to your love, what happened? my life became
years of obscurity

source: http://lyricstranslate.com/en/ah-min-hawak-ah-min-hawak.html-0

Wael Jassar - The Story

Al 7ekaya

الحكاية فى كلمة واحدة حبى ليك كان مستحيل
al hekya fe kelma wahda hoby lek kan mostahel
The story is one word my love for you was impossible

اللى بينا ابتسامة سهرة حلوة فى ليل طويل
elly bena abtesama shara helwa fe lel tawel
What's between us a smile a a nice long night

ايه اللى جابنى لحد عندك شوقى ليك اكبر دليل
eh elly gabeny lahed andak shogy lek akbak dalel
What brought me to you my passions to you is a big prove

كل ليلة وكل يوم تيجى على بالى
kool lela kool youm tagy alal baly
every night every day you come to my mind

واسهر واعد النجوم حالى هو حالى
wa ashar wa ed al nogom haly howa haly
and stay up at night counting the stars by myself with my situations

وانام فى سيرتك واقوم واسهر الليالى
wa anam fe sertak wa awom wa ashar al layely
i sleep talking about you and i get up staying all night

كل ليلة وكل يوم
kool lela wa kool youm
every night and every day

ارجوك بالراحة عليا صوتك مليان حنية
argok belraha alya sotak malyan haneya
please easy on me your voice is full with passion

انا مش قدك حرام
ana mos hadak haram
'm not as big as you feel sorry

لو تعرف ايه جوايا ده انا نظرة عينى كفاية
law taraf eh gowak da ana nazra men auiny kafya
if you just know what's inside of me a look from me eyes is enough

بتقولك احلى كلام
betolak ahla kalam
will tell you the sweetest words

ابتدبت عمرى انهاردة نفسى اعيشلك من جديد
abtdet omry anharda nafsy ashelak men gaded
today i stared my life i wish i can life for you all over again

نفسى قلبك بس يرضى حبى ليك عمال يزيد
nafsy albak bas yarda hoby lek almal ya zed
i wish your heart just accept my love to you is increasing

ده انت حبك عندى دنيا قلبى من غيرك وحيد
da anta hobak andy deina alby men gerak wahed
your love for me is the world my heart without you us lonely

كل ليلة وكل يوم تيجى على بالى
kool lela kool youm tagy alal baly
every night every day you come to my mind

واسهر واعد النجوم حالى هو حالى
wa ashar wa ed al nogom haly howa haly
and stay up at night counting the stars by myself with my situations

وانام فى سيرتك واقوم واسهر الليالى
wa anam fe sertak wa awom wa ashar al layely
i sleep talking about you and i get up staying all night

كل ليلة وكل يوم
kool lela wa kool youm
every night and every day

ارجوك بالراحة عليا صوتك مليان حنية
argok belraha alya sotak malyan haneya
please easy on me your voice is full with passion

انا مش قدك حرام
ana mos hadak haram
Im not as big as you feel sorry

لو تعرف ايه جوايا ده انا نظرة عينى كفاية
law taraf eh gowak da ana nazra men auiny kafya
if you just know what's inside of me a look from me eyes is enough

بتقولك احلى كلام
betolak ahla kalam
will tell you the sweetest words


Funny, Stupid and Crazy Cats

What do you think?

Cat Falls in Baththub

Cat in Water

Kitten Falls in Water

Failcat Falls into Baththub

Shocked Cat

Startled Cat

source: youtube.com

Full Moon

Full Moon
By: Ahu Baser

The fullmoon
The face of me from high above
Watching and smiling
My pure face that I haven't seen yet

The fullmoon
The soul of me from high above
Waiting and whirling
My pure soul that I haven't reached yet

I am the moon and my moonlight too
I am the sun and my sunlight too
I become the moon in the dark
I become the sun in the light

I cry and cry
For pureness
For awareness
For wisdom
For happiness
And I beg 
For Love

And they whisper
We are your moonlight and your sunlight too
Your shadow and sorrows too
Your blessings and cursings too
Your dizziness and emptiness too

Ohhh our poor existence
Don‚t cry and beg
Live simple for pureness
Close your wordy eyes for awareness
Give an ear to your loneliness 
And share all that you have for happiness

And for Love
Die to deathless
Speak to speechless
Live to timeless
Be the source of existence
Merge with us and become One 
And One 
For Love

Elissa - Za3lan

My nostalgia song, I listened to it when I was seven.
Come and enjoy it. Seems it looks like I come back to the past, although it cannot be returned back but the past is nice to visit.

Album: Badi Doub 

زعلان من مين بدي اعرف شو صار ما بلاقيك غير سارح و تعبان
Za3lan men meen bady 3ref shou sar mab la2eek gher sera7 wu t3ban
who are you mad at? i want to know what happened. i don't find you other than untruthful or real

شو باك مش قادر تنقي و لا تختار اوعدني فيك بلاقيك بالحنان
Sho bak mesh 2dret na2i wa la ta5tar w 3nefek bla2eek bel 7anan
whats wrong with you? you can't stay or pick. ?
promise me ill find you with tenderness.

حنان حنان يشعل حبك بالزمان و الزمان زمان يغني للحلى حكايات
7anan 7anan esh3l 7bak bel zaman w elzaman zaman eghanee el7ala 7kyat
tenderness, tenderness, lights your love with the past, and the past was a long time ago, that sings to me stories

روق احكيلي شو صاير قللي من الوفاء و الحب راح اهديك
Ro2 a7keely sho sayer 2lly men el wafa3 w el7ob ra7 ahadeek
calm down and tell me what has happened, tell me the truth and i will give you the gift of love

لحبيبي يا فرحة هلي و عجبيني يا طرحة تدللي
la 7abeby ya far7a halley w 3jbeny ya tar 7at dallely
for my love oh happiness, ...

عالغالي قلبي ما غلي و يا سنين غني بتنجلي
3ghally alby ma ghily w ya sneen ghani bnajily
my hearts for the precious, and my years sing clarity

(French Voices..........)

عشقان يا ريت حبك بيملي الدني بتبقى شريك و بيبقى الهوا فرحان
3esh2n ya rayet 7obak bemely eldiny betb2 shreek w byeb2 el hawa far7an
he's in love, i wish your love fills the world. youd be a friend and the love would be happy.

يا ريت بيحكي القلب عن كل هل اسرار بيكبر فيك بهنيك بالحنان
Ya rayet bya7ky alb 3an kel hal ashrar beek bar feek bhaneek bel7anan
i wish the heart could talk about every secret thats growing in you, it will bless you with tenderness

حنان حنان يشعل حبك بالزمان و الزمان زمان يغني للحلى حكايات
7anan 7anan esh3l 7bak bel zaman w elzaman zaman eghanee el7ala 7kyat
tenderness, tenderness, lights your love with the past, and the past was a long time ago, that sings to me stories

روق احكيلي شو صاير قللي من الوفاء و الحب راح اهديك
Ro2 a7keely sho sayer 2lly men el wafa3 w el7ob ra7 ahadeek
calm down and tell me what has happened, tell me the truth and i will give you the gift of love

لحبيبي يا فرحة هلي و عجبيني يا طرحة تدللي
la 7abeby ya far7a halley w 3jbeny ya tar 7at dallely
for my love oh happiness, ...

عالغالي قلبي ما غلي و يا سنين غني بتنجلي
3ghally alby ma ghily w ya sneen ghani bnajily
my hearts for the precious, and my years sing clarity

(French Voices........)


نانسي عجرم - الدنيا حلوة - Nancy Ajram - El Donia Helwa

The World Is Sweet - الدنيا حلوة

الدنيا حلوة واحلى سنين
بنعشها واحنا ياناس عاشقين
ننسى اللي فاتنا ونعيش حياتنا
ع الحب متواعدين


كل الاحبة اثنين اثنين
متجمعين في الهوى دايبين
على ايه تكشر وليه تفكر
ده العمر كله يومين


ده الدنيا حلوة واحلى سنين
بنعشها واحنا يا ناس عاشقين
ننسى اللي فاتنا ونعيش حياتنا
ع الحب متواعدين


كل الاحبة اثنين اثنين
متجمعين في الهوى دايبين
على ايه تكشر وليه تفكر
ده العمر كله يومين

انسى اللي راح على طول على طول
متسبش زعلك مرة يطول
افرح شوية واضحك شوية
كده خلي روحك عالية وهاي
ويا قلبي غني كمان وكمان
وصل غنايا لكل مكان
وانا لو عليا دلوقتي جاية
علشان اقول يا زعل باي باي

الدنيا حلوووة

الحب غير معنى الكون
خلاله شكل وطعم ولون
سكر زيادة لا مش بعادة
ده انا حاسة اني هطير


احنا اللي بالحب صالحنا
ارتاحناوارتاحت رحنا
فوت وعدي علشان تعدي
وارتاح من التفكير


انسى اللي راح على طول على طول
متسبشي زعلك مرة يطول
افرح شوية واضحك شوية
كده خلي روحك عالية وهاي
وياقلبي غني كمان وكمان
وصل غنايا لكل مكان
وانا لو عليا دلوقتي جاية
علشان اقول يا زعل باي باي

الدنيا حلووووة

The world is sweet
And we live the sweetest years when we're in love
We forget that which passed us and life our lives
Dedicated to love

Every love is two
Gathered in love, melting
What are you worried about and why are you thinking
This lifetime is just two days

Forget that which has gone forever, forever
Don't get irritated
Get happy a little and laugh a little
Like this you can raise your spirits
With my heart sing as well, as well
Make your songs reach every place
And if I must right now I'm alive
Because I say no more distress
The world is sweet

Love changed the meaning of the universe througout, form, taste and color
Sweetness (literally sugar) grows, not separation
I feel like I will fly

We are the ones who are good in love
We have become at ease
Pass and cross in order to cross
And be at ease from your thoughts


Saturday, June 29, 2013

Let It Snow

Let It Snow
By :  David Sedaris

Winters were frustratingly mild in North Carolina, but the year I was in the fifth grade we got lucky. Snow fell, and, for the first time in years, it accumulated. School was cancelled, and two days later we got lucky again. There were eight inches on the ground, and, rather than melting, it froze. On the fifth day of our vacation, my mother had a little breakdown. Our presence had disrupted the secret life she led while we were at school, and when she could no longer take it she threw us out. It wasn’t a gentle request but something closer to an eviction. “Get the hell out of my house,” she said.

We reminded her that it was our house, too, and she opened the front door and shoved us into the carport. “And stay out!” she shouted.

My sisters and I went down the hill and sledded with other children from the neighborhood. A few hours later, we returned home, surprised to find that the door was locked. “Oh, come on,” we said. I rang the bell, and when no one answered we went to the window and saw our mother in the kitchen, watching television. Normally she waited until five o’clock to have a drink, but for the past few days she’d been making an exception. Drinking didn’t count if you followed a glass of wine with a cup of coffee, and so she had a goblet and a mug positioned before her on the countertop.

“Hey!” we yelled. “Open the door. It’s us.” We knocked on the pane and, without looking in our direction, she refilled her goblet and left the room.

“That bitch,” my sister Lisa said. We pounded again and again, and when our mother failed to answer we went around back and threw snowballs at her bedroom window. “You are going to be in so much trouble when Dad gets home!” we shouted, and in response my mother pulled the drapes. Dusk approached, and as it grew colder it occurred to us that we could possibly die. It happened, surely. Selfish mothers wanted the house to themselves and their children were discovered years later, frozen like mastodons in blocks of ice.

My sister Gretchen suggested that we call our father, but none of us knew his number, and he probably wouldn’t have done anything anyway. He’d gone to work specifically to escape our mother, and between the weather and her mood it could be hours, or even days, before he returned home.

“One of us should get hit by a car,” I said. “That would teach the both of them.” I pictured Gretchen, her life hanging by a thread as my parents paced the halls of Rex Hospital, wishing they had been more attentive. It was really the perfect solution. With her out of the way, the rest of us would be more valuable and have a bit more room to spread out. “Gretchen, go lie in the street.”

“Make Amy do it,” she said.

Amy, in turn, pushed it off on Tiffany, who was the youngest and had no concept of death. “It’s like sleeping,” we told her. “Only you get a canopy bed.”

Poor Tiffany. She’d do just about anything in return for a little affection. All you had to do was call her Tiff, and whatever you wanted was yours: her allowance, her dinner, the contents of her Easter basket. Her eagerness to please was absolute and naked. When we asked her to lie in the middle of the street, her only question was “Where?”

We chose a quiet dip between two hills, a spot where drivers were almost required to skid out of control. She took her place, this six-year-old in a butter-colored coat, and we gathered on the curb to watch. The first car to come along belonged to a neighbor, a fellow-Yankee who had outfitted his tires with chains and stopped a few feet from our sister’s body. “Is that a person?” he asked.

“Well, sort of,” Lisa said. She explained that we’d been locked out of our house, and, while the man appeared to accept it as a reasonable explanation, I’m pretty sure he was the one who told on us. Another car passed, and then we saw our mother, this puffy figure awkwardly negotiating the crest of the hill. She did not own a pair of pants, and her legs were buried to the calf in snow. We wanted to send her home, to kick her out of nature just as she had kicked us out of the house, but it was hard to stay angry at someone that pitiful-looking.

“Are you wearing your loafers?” Lisa asked, and in response our mother raised a bare foot.

“I was wearing loafers,” she said. “I mean, really, it was there a second ago.”

This was how things went. One moment she was locking us out of our own house and the next we were rooting around in the snow, looking for her left shoe. “Oh, forget about it,” she said. “It’ll turn up in a few days.” Gretchen fitted her cap over my mother’s foot. Lisa secured it with her scarf, and, surrounding her tightly on all sides, we made our way home.

Short Story

Unlucky Day
Tuesday, 25th June 2013

I was late attending the lecture. On the day before it, my friend sent me an sms that we had to be ready for presentation and the next day I forgot to wake up earlier. My friends were waiting for me around 2 hours till one of them sent me an sms, he reminded me that we had a presentation. Surprisingly, I was shocked and startled. Soon I had to do bathing. An hour later, I arrived to the class. They both had been waiting for me for long time till one of them leave the class due to my lateness. He told me that he (one who left the class) got angry. My friend and I was panic because one of our group members left. I sought him around even around the university but resulting a zero mark. I came back to the class again. I called him but he didnt answer, I sent him an sms but he didnt reply. The time passed horribly until the class got over and the lecturer went out of the class. There were still two bodies, me and my friend. However, he got angry not due to me but due to the one of or group members. As he was grumbling, I slowly left him, walked smoothly to the back and ran away.

Then, I went to my friend's boarding house named *****. I told him that I got a bad day. As long as we were talking, he reminded me that we still had the last assignment, it was english for tourism. I was having another group at the different subject. Soon he called the other members of the group. We then went to Vredeburg Museum to record the our visit. Oh yea the assisgnment is that we were summoned to record ourselves at the tourism objects, we had to desribe the object by using english and uploading it through youtube. At the firs time we enjoyed our recording day. There were many objects to describe. As we finished the recording I went home.

The next morning in campus, my friend told me that my video that I recorded yesterday. It had not been recorded. What did I think? I was talking so much and it had not been recorded? How come? I wanted to be angry but to whom? I had to go to the same place again and do recording? Horrible!

Good Bye My Child

Good Bye My Child

Where cradled canyons sing
Of ebony wood in the forest
There lies a gurgling spring
Where cockcrows sing their chorus
To the melody of singsong birds
There I’ve concealed my sensuous words
Filled with befitted signs
The saccharine whiff of my designs

Come to me my mortal youth
To the wild realm of your truth
Where nymphs and gnomes abound
For the earth is filled with weeping
And only your tears be found

Where the fogs of night are fountains
Spills of glistened moon ignite
By distant silhouette mountains
We dance with passion of fight
Entwining ancient stance
Mingling hand in hand we dance
Till the mountains smile on high
Near and far we spring
To pursue the realest of dreams
While the world cries at its seams
Anxious in trouble to cling

Come to me my mortal youth
To the wild realm of your truth
Where nymphs and gnomes abound
For the earth is filled with weeping
And only your tears be found

To where the ridges merry make
From the beaks of wooden bright
In sparkly pools the ghouls awake
That scarce to stir our night
We watch for seekers down under
Muttering secrets in their soul
We bid them lucks of shivers
Dipping gently in
From reeds that hide a tear of a foal
Under the gentle rivers

Come to me my mortal youth
To the wild realm of your truth
Where nymphs and gnomes abound
For the earth is filled with weeping
And only your tears be found

Far away she shall ever churn
The taciturn eyed
She’ll listen no more to turn
To the working mills beside
Or the scrubbing of the barn
May peace weave in her song
She shall wave in the yarn
To a haven known as Belong

Come to me my mortal youth
To the wild realm of your truth
Where nymphs and gnomes abound
For the earth is filled with weeping
And only your tears be found

For she comes, the mortal youth
To the wild realm of her truth
Where nymphs and gnomes abound
For the earth is filled with weeping
And only her tears be found

Written by: Laura Breidenthal


Water: By Ralph Waldo Emerson

By Ralph Waldo Emerson

The water understands
Civilization well;
It wets my foot, but prettily,
It chills my life, but wittily,
It is not disconcerted,
It is not broken-hearted:
Well used, it decketh joy,
Adorneth, doubleth joy:
Ill used, it will destroy,
In perfect time and measure
With a face of golden pleasure
Elegantly destroy.

A Christian Poem: Crying Is A Gift From God

A Man Who cries Is A "Wise Man"

A father said to his son
Who had a tear in his eye
If you want to be a man
You absolutely cannot cry

You won't be a man if do
And you'll be brought to shame
You'll be looked down upon
Some will call you a dame

The son looked up
Towards his dad
With eyes of sorrow
And his face drooping and sad

He said, dad I believe
Crying is from God a gift
To release what's inside
And give us a lift

If we don't cry
And release our pain
It will stay inside
And come back again

When our pain builds up
And we can't take it anymore
Our frustration breaks out
With destruction galore

Dad, I believe crying
Is from God above
To prevent us from hurting
The one's we love

Would it be pleasing to God
If I were hurting others around
Or would He rather see me crying
With my head bowed down?

A Man Who Cries Is a "WISE MAN"

source: http://www.things-to-say.com/Christian/crying.htm

Poem - Men Do Cry

Men Do Cry

I heard quite often “men don’t cry”
Though no one ever told me why
So when I fell and skinned a knee
No one came to comfort me.
And when some bully boy at school
Would pull a prank so mean and cruel
I’d quickly learn to turn and quip
“It doesn’t hurt”, and bite my lip.

So as I grew to reasoned years
I learned to stifle any tears.
Though “be a big boy” it began,
Quite soon I learned to ” be a man”.
And I could play that stoic role
While storm and tempest wracked my soul
No pain or setback could there be
Could wrest one single tear from me.

Then one long night I stood nearby
And helplessly watched my son die,
And quickly found to my surprise
That all that tearless talk was lies.
And still I cry and have no shame
I cannot play that ” big boy” game,
And openly without remorse
I let my sorrow take it’s course.

So those of you who can’t abide
A man you’ve seen whose often cried,
Reach out to him with all your heart
As one whose life’s been torn apart.

For men do cry when they can see
Their loss of immorality.
And tears will come in endless streams
When mindless fate destroys their dreams.

written by Ken Faulk



Rain comes down with a million beauty
always wafted its natural aroma
there are many implicit tales when it falls
what an uncountable bless it is

The air blows freshly
the sky becomes greyish just like a pale melancholy

The sound of thunder appears from afar
it keeps us to hold out

The rush of its fall embellishes every single view
falling down slowly and lost by memory
how beautiful it is with its charm
just like an angel goes down from the sky

Rain always comes with much surrprise
when everything goes silent with no worries
just like a mistery of life that is neglected
can only be revealed when it is missed
The sense of bless in the heart must be sung
for that one who creates the rain

Throw all the sigh when rain comes
because it never sighs when it falls down

Friday, June 28, 2013

This Winter by Charles Mariano

This Winter

I suppose, with the wind and rain outside, and more to come, we’ve cocooned with blankets, warm fires. I suppose, like the change of season, freezing cold, instead of sun, inward, instead of outward, the season of that endless war, killer hurricanes, loved ones lost, I’ll just turn the page, start over.

I’ve often wondered if I’m a winter writer, rather than summer. Throw on thick sweaters, coats, gloves and trek high up the mountain to my tower, to “bear” for winter. One small, frosty window to look out. “Countless tales,” I write in my journal shivering, “layers of rain, snow, and wind, to overcome.”

It is this imagination that binds. Pen in hand, fingers spread evenly on a keyboard. Wipe the frost, find the pulse. Tell them what ails, or inspires. Reveal the colors, be it agony, intense and miserably cold, or thoughts of romance, desires, engulfed or enflamed by simple candlelight. Set the temperature and tone, open the page, begin.

I suppose, from my mountain view, the lights below, mere weeks before Christmas, that I’ve got something significant to share. A vast landscape, glistening jewels of light, smoke billowing from thousands of chimneys. Don’t know, can’t tell yet. Maybe nothing.

I stroke my long beard, smoke my pipe, pull the flaps of my hat lower. We are, the words of every season, all of us, to our last breath, touching hearts and souls, scribbling blindly, breathlessly, designing, building, hunkering down.

But all is silent, save the wind, howling at my back.

Look, tell them of the pain of death, so recently endured, what my eyes have seen, tortured, beaten, abused. Tell them of flying high above the fray, a view so magnificent, it begs to say, to express, to share. Create an unforgettable character, that mighty hero of mind and heart that gives, saves, knows all. One who carries us to that tearful page of victory. Lie down here, another blanket to keep warm.

I suppose, there is no greatness, not now, perhaps later, but we trudge through, press on. Every day, every season, different.

High above the howling storm, frost on my beard, eyes searching wanefully to heartfelt losses, human touch. Seasons that follow, lead, churn deeply. Imagination does not go cold. Or does it? Here, take this pen, write it. Eyes, alive and moving beyond the snow, conjuring winters across the ridge, snowflakes dreamily to the page.

We’re not gone, only adjusting, acclimating, different sights and sounds, binding. Takes time to see, peel the layers, undress. There is nothing to say, not yet, the world at our feet.

“Countless tales,” I write, “layers of snow and wind, to overcome.”


Beautiful Poetry by Mary Hamrick


Autumn is like an old book:
Marred spines turn mean yellow,
staples rust red-orange.

Every stained page is stressed
by a splat of color. Rough-red,

like an old tavern,

we become hungry birds
and prepare for fall.
Shape and shadow are candied citron

as lanterns turn bitter yellow. Autumn
is a red fox, a goblet filled with dark wine,
a hot chilli pepper with smoky eyes.

Pressed leaves take in the colors
of seafood paella and saffron; these leaves
are like death, climaxing with a smile.

Autumn: Her dress is a net of mussels;
dark shelled, it covers up
summer’s weatherbeaten body.

So pull out your boots
and stand on an aged, wood floor
like an evergreen.


Elissa - Eftkart (Basmaa Esmak Badamaa)


Eftakart fdelt ad7ak w el domou3
eftakart fdelt ad7ak w el domou3
nezlet awy w geryet awy wa7ashetny ayamak awy
mat2olsh howa mafish tari2a fiha ansak awy
w ma2olsh aah, aah

habibi 2oul keda
da3et kol el amani
wana mosh hastana tany
w etfily el nar kefaya
nar el for2a btewga3

habibi 2oul keda
3alashan mosh ha2dar asma3
kelmet emta haterga3
w mafish dmou3 fe 3eni
basma3 esmak bdama3
basma3 esmak bdama3

kol wa2r ana rou7 w adawar fe ely kan
w estafadt ana eh be soura men zaman
kol wa2r ana rou7 w adawar fe ely kan
w estafadt ana eh be soura men zaman

mana shoftaha ely sebtaha
yaretny sheltak menaha
aw kont 7ata mashoft fiha
a7la ayam 3eshtha
w ma2olsh aah, aah
w ma2olsh aah, aah

habibi 2oul keda
da3et kol el amani
wana mosh hastana tany
w etfily el nar kefaya
nar el for2a btewga3

افـــتــكرت فضــلت اضــحــك والدمــوع
افـــتــكرت فضــلت اضــحــك والدمــوع
نزلـــت اوي وجريــت اوى وحشتني ايامك اوي
ما تقلــي هو مفيــش طريــقه
فيــها انســــاك اوي
ومقــلــش اه
حبيـــبــي قول كـــده
ضـــاعت كل الاماني
وانا مش هستنى تاني
واطفيلي النار كفايه
نار الفرقه بتوجع
حبـيــبــي قول كده
علشان مش ح اقدر اسمع
كلــمة ايمــتا هترجع
ومفيــش دموع فعيني
بسمع اســـمك بدمّــع
بسمع اســـمك بدمّــع
كـــل وقت انــا روح و ادور في اللي كان
واســتــفدت انا ايــه بصـــوره من زمـــان
كـــل وقت انــا روح و ادور في اللي كان
واســتــفدت انا ايــه بصـــوره من زمـــان
منــا شفتــها اللــي سبــتها
يا ريتــنــي شيلــتك منّــها
او كنــت حتــى ما شفش فيها
احـــلــى ايــام عشتــها
ومقلــش اه
مقلش اه
حبيـــبــي قول كـــده
ضـــاعت كل الاماني
وانا مش هستنى تاني
واطفيلي النار كفايه
نار الفرقه بتوجع

I remembered and kept on laughing...
I remembered and kept on laughing...
While tears flowed down like heavy streams
I have missed your days
So tell me already that there's no way...
For me to really forget you
And not say oh, oh
Darling, say it, all wishes are lost
And I won't wait again
Put out the flames for me
Enough with the fire of separation, it hurts
Darling, say it,
Because I can't hear another word about your return...
Without having tears in my eyes
Hearing your name makes me cry
Hearing your name makes me cry
Every now and then,
I go searching for what was there
What good is an old photograph for me?
Every now and then,
I go searching for what was there
What good is an old photograph for me?
I wish I had removed you from it
So that I wouldn't see the best days of my life in it
And not say oh, oh
And not say oh, oh
Darling, say it, all wishes are lost
And I won't wait again
Put out the flames for me
Enough with the fire of separation, it hurts


Rayan - Ma Badi Shi

Ma Badi Shi - ما بدي شي

ما بدي شي روح الله معك
Ma badi shi rouh Allah m3ak
I dont want anything, go, may God be with you

ماتقلي شي مش راح اسمعك
mat ely shi mesh ra7 esm3ak
Dont tell me anything, im not going to hear you
ما بدي شي روح الله معك
Ma badi shi rouh Allah m3ak
I dont want anything, go, may God be with you

ماتقلي شي مش راح اسمعك
mat ely shi mesh ra7 esm3ak
Dont tell me anything, im not going to hear you

دمرت القلب اللي عاش لحبك والهوى
damart el alb el3esh elli 7obak w el hawa
You destroyed the heart that lived for your love and passion

بكيت الحجر اللي ما بيبكي من ئساك
btkyt el 7ager elli ma beybki men ashak 
You made the rocks that dont cry cry from your harshness

دمرت القلب اللي عاش لحبك والهوى
damart el alb el3esh elli 7obak w el hawa
You destroyed the heart that lived for your love and passion

بكيت الحجر اللي ما بيبكي من ئساك
btkyt el 7ager elli ma beybki men ashak
You made the rocks that dont cry cry from your harshness

ما بدي شي روح الله معك
Ma badi shi rouh Allah m3ak
I dont want anything, go, may God be with you

ما بدي شي روح الله معك
Ma badi shi rouh Allah m3ak
I dont want anything, go, may God be with you

انا حبي ضاع لا ما برجعا
ana 7oby da3 la ma barga3
My love is lost, no I wont return it

حتى وداع مش راح ودعا
7ata w da3 mesh ra7 w da3
Even goodbye I wont tell it

انا حبي ضاع لا ما برجعا
ana 7oby da3 la ma barga3
My love is lost, no I wont return it

حتى وداع مش راح ودعا
7ata w da3 mesh ra7 w da3
Even goodbye I wont tell it
ضعيت الحلم اللي عايش فيا من زمان
da3yt el 7alm elli 3esh fi men zaman
You lost the dream that lived in me for a long time

نشفت الدمع اللي بعيني والحنان
tshaft el dam3a elli b3ainaiy w el7anan
You dried the tears in my eyes and the tenderness

ما بدي شي روح الله معك
Ma badi shi rouh Allah m3ak
I dont want anything, go, may God be with you


Elissa - Faker

Faker (فاكر)

فاكر ياحبيبي في يوم ماسيبتني أمشي ودموعي في عيني
fakir ya 7abibi fe yoam ma sebteni amshi w dmou3i f3eni

يومها أنا بالذات جيتلك عشان أنت اللي بتقويني
yomha ana bilzat getlak 3shan enta elli bet2aweni

وبدل ماأهدى وأرتاح وأنا جوا حضنك أو تطمن عيني كده وتدفيني
w badal ma ahda w arta7 wana gowa 7odnak, aw tetamen 3eni keda w etdafeni

ألقاك أنت بتبكيني
al2ak tebakeeni

تسأل عليا ليه هو احنا لسه احنا
tes2al 3alayya, howa e7na lessa e7na

مستني مني ايه
mestani menni eh ?

ملامحنا مش ملامحنا
malame7na mish malame7na

دلوقتي بينا ايه غير ذكري بتجرحنا
delwa2ti benna eih '3air zekra btegra7na

ماهي دنيا بتفرحنا لحظه والباقي بتفضحنا
mahi dunya btefara7na la7za wel ba2i btefda7na

عايز طب نرجع ليه
3ayez tab nerga3 laih ?

هو أنا مش نفسي نرجع تاني
howa ana mish nefsi nerga3 tani ?

بس الحياة طب مين سابها ورجع يعيشها حتي ثواني
bas el 7aya tab meen sayebha w reg3 y3esh.ha 7atta sawani

لو يوم جربت تكون وده صعب جدا لو تكون في مكاني
law yoam garabt tkoun wi da sa3b gedan law tkoun fi makani

وتعيش حرماني وتدوق طعم مالهوش تاني
wet3eesh 7irmani w tdou2 ta3m malhoush tani
Do you remember my love, when you let me walk and the tears in my eye

At that day specifically I came to you, because you make me stronge 

and instead of getting calm and rest in your bosom, or you reassure my eye and warming me

You make me cry

You ask me, as we still us

What are you waiting for from me ?

Our faces are not our faces

Now what do we have between us, other than a memory that hurt us ?

This life makes us happy for a moment, the exposes us

Ok, why you want us to get back ?

Don't I want us to get back again ?

How about life ? who left it and then got back to live it, even for seconds ?

If you've ever tried to be ..., though It's so hard if you became in my place

To live my privation, and to taste something that has no other


Thursday, June 27, 2013

Rayan - Ahla Gharam

Ahla Gharam

Ahla Gharam
Yally bhebbo ya nass
Ghayeb ma byes'al 3anni
Kelmet hobb w e7sas
Sara'ni albi menni

Yally bhebbo ya nass
Ghayeb ma byes'al 3anni
Kelmet hobb w e7sas
Sara'ni albi menni

Ya nass ma tloumouni
W 3an ghadr w ma te7kouni
Law tez3al menni 3youni
Sarkhet albi betkhoun

Ana mesh ader ansa ghyabak
W ensa a7la gharam
W ana bi 3ez 3layyi b3adak
Mahma talou el eyyam
Dama3ati bteshhad 3a fra'ak
W 3youni ma betnam
Ana min dounak 3omri dayeb
W fra'ak walla 7aram

Ana mesh ader ansa ghyabak
W ensa a7la gharam
W ana bi 3ez 3layyi b3adak
Mahma talou el eyyam
Dama3ati bteshhad 3a fra'ak
W 3youni ma betnam
Ana min dounak 3omri dayeb
W fra'ak walla 7aram

Yalli ghefyo njoumak
Trekni l7ali sehran
Law teshki la ma bloumak
W 3aref nater 7ayran
Trekni bi 3azabi ana
Meen ghayro ma fi hana
Houwe habibi ana
Mahma 7anini ytoul

Ana mesh ader ansa ghyabak
W ensa a7la gharam
W ana bi 3ez 3layyi b3adak
Mahma talou el eyyam
Dama3ati bteshhad 3a fra'ak
W 3youni ma betnam
Ana min dounak 3omri dayeb
W fra'ak walla 7aram

Ana mesh ader ansa ghyabak
W ensa a7la gharam
W ana bi 3ez 3layyi b3adak
Mahma talou el eyyam
Dama3ati bteshhad 3a fra'ak
W 3youni ma betnam
Ana min dounak 3omri dayeb
W fra'ak walla 7aram

Ahla Gharam
The one i love oh people
is abscent and doesn't ask about me
a word of love and loyalty
took my heart from me

the one i love oh people
is absent and doesn't ask about me
a word of love and loyalty
took my heart from me

oh people don't blame
and don't talk about his betrayal
if my eyes get angry with me
the scream from my heart says

I can't get over your abscence
nor get over the most beuatiful love
you,being distant, is hard for me
no matter how much the days become long my tears witness your sepeartion
and my eyes never sleep
my life is melting without you
and your separation is very hard

I can' get over your abscence
nor get over the most beuatiful love
you,being distant, is hard for me
no matter how much the days become long my tears witness your sepeartion
and my eyes never sleep
my life is melting without you
and your separation is very hard

oh the night whom his stars are asleep
leave me awake(sleepless) alone
if you complain then i don't blame you
i know that you're waiting perplexly
leave me in my sorrow
without him there is no joy
he's my own love no matter how much i miss him

I can't get over your abscence
nor get over the most beuatiful love
you,being distant, is hard for me
no matter how much the days become long my tears witness your sepeartion
and my eyes never sleep
my life is melting without you
and your separation is very hard
I can't get over your abscence
nor get over the most beuatiful love
you,being distant, is hard for me
no matter how much the days become long
my tears witness your sepeartion
and my eyes never sleep
my life is melting without you
and your separation is very hard

source : http://lyricstranslate.com/en/Ahla-Gharam-Ahla-Gharam.html