Saturday, January 26, 2013

Herbal Medicine and Medicinal Chemistry

In a daily life, medicine is an alternative way to avoid, reduce or cure many kins of desease. Medicine is an important substance which people need because they are not escaped from deseases during their lives. In modern live, medicine is produced by using sophisticated formulas that works quickly in human’s body. This kind of medicine can be said as medicinal chemistry. However, there is a medicine which is made by utilizing a natural wealth that is said as herbal medicine. This medicine is made handed down from the ancestors without a clear research, but both medicines are good for human’s body to cure the diseases. However they also have advantages and weaknesses.
Medicinal chemistry is usually consumed when people need a rapid hadling. This medicine can cure the disease in a short time. For the people who are in chonic, this medicine is very recommended to reduce the pain in a short way. However, besides the benefit of it, medinical chemistry has some weaknesses. Medicinal chemistry is made by the sophisticated formulas that are discovered by the experts, it has no doubt that the price is expensive. Another hand, based on dr Amarullah H Siregar, medicinal chemistry only cures the symptoms of disease but it does not cure the source of it. It means that medicinal chemistry only cures some body systems. The other impacts of this medicine is that the side effect. After consuming it, the effect can occur directly and undirectly. The direct effect such as sleepy, diarrhea, and so on can be felt. If people consume this kind of medicine coninously, the indirect effect usually is more dangerous such as heart disease. This happens because the chemistry consists of inorganic materials while the system of the body is organic and complex. Chemicals is not a suitable material for human body, so it should be limited so that the body is able to tolerate it. Those are the advantages and disadvantages of medicinal chemistry.
Similarly, besides the medicinal chemistry, herbal medicine also has the benefits and some lacks. The benefits of herbal medicine such as there is no side effect after consuming it. This because the herbal medicine is made of an organic material that is complex. Another word, it can be meant as food for body to rebuild the system of human body. Herbal medicine is more safe than the chemistry one. Another benefit is that the way it is used is more simple and the price is much cheaper than medicinal chemistry. Herbal medicine is also easy to produce, it is because the materials are utilizing the source of nature such as plants and herbs. The process is very simple and it does not need any sophisticated tools and an expensive research. However, above all those benefits, herbal medicine has a lack also. Neither herbal medicine is produced by using any sophisticated tool nor chemicals, so the it takes long time to take an action in the body or it reacts slowly. It is suggested that people should consume the herbal one if they do not need a special cure of their diseases. So beside the advanteges, herbal medicine has disadvantages also.
It can be concluded that in choosing what suitable medicine for human body  is, it depends on the need. If the diseases need a quick care, the medicinal chemistry is the best way. However, if it is the opposite, then consuming herbal medicine if more useful.
source: http://www.deherba.com/obat-tradisional-vs-obat-kimia.html#ixzz2Ivpr9s6U

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