In teaching english, it is needed to measure what
and how far students have mastered each skill. There are many methods that
represent on how to teach english and also many books provide some kinds
of material related to the skill that
they will apply in language teaching. However, some teachers get difficult when
they have to combine the integrated skills at the same time to measure the students’
abilities mainly for assessment. They may still use one method for each skill,
like in teaching listening, they use metacognitive method or in teaching
speaking, they use debate and so on. It will be good that the focus on
each skill will be more detail, however, it needs more time to access the four
skills at the same time. Actually, there is a way that in teaching english,
teacher can measure students’ abilities based on one method by using role play.
This method is an effective technique to animate the teaching and learning
atmosphere, arouse the interests of learners, and make the language acquisition
impressive (Feng Liu & Yun Ding 2009). As the main process in teaching
consists of three approaches such as presentation, practise, and production,
this method will engage the third approach. Role play is an affective method
which emphasizes much performance to reach the target languge. Although most
teachers think that role play is only applied to measure or improve speaking
ability, but it can measure the integrated skills too such as listening,
speaking, reading, and writing.
first is that in teaching listening and speaking, teacher can apply role play
as the method which is more practical. This way, the students’ abilities can be
barely exposed. It can be explained that in role play, the actor will act based
on the topic that is chosen. Then he talks without reading a script that is
read by the narrator. He only uses gestures and explanation orally to make the
listeners understand what he wants. Then the listener will try to gain what the
speaker is doing, and if the listener can respond the speaker, it means that
the listener understands what the speaker says. It is clear that the teacher
can measure the students’ abilities based on the conversation that students do
in role play. Moreover, the nature of role play is that there is no written
dialogue which the students have to memorize. The narrator only reads its
script and the speaker will arrange his own words to explain or make a conversation
with the partners. Another hand, it can connect the students to the real world,
because the speaker makes his own dialogue to explain the listeners that they
do not know what the question of the speaker will be about. In a real condition,
when someone is going to talk about something, the listener does not know what
he plans to talk about, after the speaker finishes talking or asking, the
listener will respond automatically based on what the speaker wants. It is
impossible that the listener knows what the speaker will talk or ask. It is same
as that if the students only memorize the dialogue, it will not be efficient,
because the listener has already known what the speaker is going to ask and it
has been planned to what the listener will answer. Thus, it can not be measured
by the teacher as they just copy the sentences based on the dialogue. Besides
it, the real-time nature of spoken language not only affects to the listener
but also affects the speaker who must speak in real time (Ochs, 1979). It means
that the relationship between listening and speaking are absolutely unplanned,
the listener will arrange and construct the words based on his knowledge to
respond the speaker. In real time, it is unplanned discourse, both skills are
spontaneous and there is no much time to organize or make a plan. So by doing
this method, students are hoped that they can practice it in a real world where
the target language is flowing naturally and spontaneous in a fluent way.
second is that the role play can role as in reading skill too. Middle grades
students need to read with automaticity, the ability to decode words, recognize
word meanings, the meaning of sentences, and the meaning of the text (LaBerg
& Samuels 1974). It can be interpret that in role play, one of the students
of the group is hoped to narrate the story so that the actors know what to do. After
the narrator reads the script, then the actors begin to act. To measure the
reading skill based on what they are doing, it is absolutely clear that when
the narrator reads the script, the other partners (actors) will try to
recognize and understand what the narrator tells. If the they know and
understand what to do, so the comprehension of their reading skill is mesured.
However, it may seem that the teacher does not know how to measure the
narratos’s skill ability. Well, in this case, the teacher can test him by
asking some questions before the role play is begun. It purposes to know or
judge the ability of his speaking skill. Moreover, by reading aloud, teacher
can measure his pronunciation also. So here role play can measure the students’
reading ability through the script of the role play they are practicing.

last one is writing. People may think that it is impossible to use this method
through writing skill. Well, it can be explained that in giving a judgement of
writing ability, teacher should consider about the nature of writing itself. In
speaking, it may consist of the originality that the spoken language runs
automatically (spontaneous). However, in writing, the characteristic is permanent,
it means that the text can be read and reread as often as one likes (Brown
1994). They do not need a teacher’s supervision like in practicing speaking.
Thus, it is fine that the students arrange their script at home by working
together. Then the teacher can ask for the students to copy the script and
giving it to him as a writing assessement. The script then can be analyzed
based on what to be measured, such as vocabulary, grammar, tenses and so on. In
this case, students are hoped to work cohesiveness, because in giving the
result, teacher should generalize for each group. Instantly, role play is also
able to judge students’ writing skill in english.
is the example how the teacher should do in applying this method. Firstly, the
teacher divides the students into some groups consists of five or six members
each group. He then lets the students choose their own topic, it is purposed to
make easier the students to master the topic based on their background
knowledge. If the teacher chooses his own topic for them, it may effect that
students will be difficult to master it while they do not familiar with the
given topic. After that, the teacher asks the students to make a script at home
and copy it, one for the teacher and another for the narrator. The script does
not consist of dialogue, but it is just a plot, like “ A long time ago there
was a boy standing alone at the bank of the river and talked to himself why he
is upset”. Then, the actor acts as a boy that is talking to himself why he is
upset by arranging his own words. But before they start the role play, the
teacher asks the narrator about the role play is about, such as the content of
the topic, moral value, or characters that they will act. It is to measure the
narrator’s speaking ablility because he will not speak naturally in roling the
play, another hand he just reads the script. Then, the role play can be
started. Teacher observes them and make a list of what should be corrected. After
it finishes, the teacher gives a praise and feedback to each group.
the explanation above, it can be concluded that using role play to teach the integrated
skills of english is more beneficial for the teacher to measure students’
competences. The students will enjoy the play as they imagine that they speak
in a real world by adapting the environment of the class. The teacher can also
measure the skills through their performance and easier to make a judgement
based on their abilities.
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