Sunday, January 13, 2013

An English Teacher and The Globalization

In this globalization era which is glowing up, as if most people are emphazised to master a global language or it is called as “English Language.” By mastering an international language, they will easily acess more global information without any difficulty. Due to this insistence, there are many schools, mainly in Indonesia, which build International Rating Schools from kindergaten until senior high school. Even now almost all Universities also make english as their main subject, both governmental universities and private universities. In this case, the need of english teacher is needed rapidly  in this globalization era particularly in Indonesia. These are several roles or ways of an english teacher in facing this globalization era.
The first is that an english teacher, he should teach english by taking a note of social and cultural aspects based on moral value in Indonesia. The teacher should be able to choose and teach his students about the positif impacts of western culture, because Learning a language, it is same as we learn about its culture. We can apply some positive western cultures, such as making reading habit as a part of life, hard working, being honest, etc. If it goes well to the students, these cultures will build the moral value to the students in Indonesia. We not only gain its linguistics, but we teach the students about how to build the morality also which is needed in this globalization era. Besides it, the english teacher teaches his students by not forgeting the local culture. It means that the teacher deos not teach about living in western. Fine, it will be ok if the teacher teaches about living in western, so that the students know about the habits and expressions which are also often used in western. The result is that the students are not missunderstood or mistaken in using english. However, the teacher should also teach about the local tradition, so that it will not be lost or faded in this globalization. For example, the students try to describe about one or more about Indonesian cultures, like traditional dancing, some interesting local places, traditional food, etc by using english. If it is applied by the teacher, both of english language and the local cultures will go in balance or equal. However, if the teacher does not do so or he just teaches about all the english language and its content, the students will not realize that they have forgotten about the local cultures. This thing will be dangerous because it will influence the social and moral in Indonesia. It is not impossible that our cultures can be stolen easily by some other countries, as the result is that Indonesian people lose their identities and being globalization victims. In short, attaching moral values based on Indonesian point of view in teaching english, it is very important indeed to make the students know that we live in different cultures and linguistics. It can be very plural, heterogeneous, and can exchange so fast.
The second is that the english teacher should introduce the media which functions as a means in english learning process. He can guide them also in using it.  The purpose is to make them easy to master the technology in order that they will not be the losers to other countries. if it is opposite, they will be eaten by this globalization era in mastering technology because it influences very much in the development of globalization. In this era, mainly in Indonesia, almost all technology uses an international language, except mobile phones maybe. Therefore, the role of english teacher gives a big influence in this case. For intance, students can use internet as a tool for learning english by online or using media chatting. This way is very easy and simple that they can improve their english skills without facing each other, even with their teacher also. Not only media chatting, but the students can use media e-learning also to improve their english. For instance the teacher gives them material by posting it on website so that the students can download and so do the students. They can also share any information about english world, their english will be developed and they will be confident. So the teacher teaches english to his students and also its media, by mastering those means they will be ready in facing globalization.
The last one is training the students in order that they are able to join the competition in international world. David Gradol, a linguistic researcher, on his journnal entitled “English Next” said that around two billions people in the world are speaking english or learning english in one decade. This thing implies him, the teacher, that he should be competent in training his students to speak english fluently. It is useless that the students have the other abilities such as good at business, economic, politic, etc. However, if they do not make english as their international, they can not compete their abilities to the international level. Even a director of british council, John whitehead said that english is an important tool for international job level. The ability of english is a need in certain fields such as profession or job. As an english teacher, he should know what the students need, for example, if the students’ main subject is about business, they can learn english as business or if their main subject is tourism, they can learn the subject of english for tourism or anything else. In training his students, he should convince the students that particularly in Indonesia, english is not difficult to be mastered now. Although it is as a foreign language, the students should think that the need in learning english language is basically about the habit they should often do. This thing is inclined of the need to the global communication. As an image, for example, not only in Indonesia people learn english, but also it happens in the other countries where the goverments, mostly in whole world, agree and support that english learning is an obligatin for their countries. So by this way if the teacher successes the students to master english as their global communication, they will be able to compete themselves to the international level. They will not be left behind in this tight competition of globalization era.

So it can be concluded that the english teacher in Indonesia has an important role in developing students’ moral value. Competeting the students in the globalization era by making english as their international language and using technology as their media. It will influence them in reaching their dreams and they will be able to compete themselves in international level. They will not be defeated by other countries in facing this rough globalization era.

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