Monday, July 8, 2013

The Ways that Rasul Did during Ramadhan

The Ways that Rasul Did during Ramadhan

            Ramadhan is a holy month which is full of blessing and virtue. Muslims are recommended to gain its virtues as much as possible. If we expand a little further on what Rasul did in ramadhan. We will find some ways such as:

1. He always beetles to fulfill and do all virtues, like praying in Jamea way, sonnah, giving alm, reading Quran, etc. He voiced “if the first night of ramadhan is coming, all satans and jinns are shackled. The gate of hell is closed and the gate of heaven is open widely.It is also voiced: To all people who crave much blessing and virtue, come and get it! And to all who do not want it, just be lazy!” (Imam Al-Turmuzi).

2. Narrated by Salman, that some day at the begining of Shaban, Rasul voiced “To all of his followers, having come to you all the great month, full of blessings, there is a night that is better than a thousand month inside ramadhan, it is an obligatory to do fasting, and is recommened to liven up its night. So anyone who does the virtues during this month , as if he/she does a command in another month and anyone who does a compulsory worhip, as if he /she does  70 times its obligatory in another month.” That’s the blessing of doing sonnah worship that its virtue is same as doing a compulsory worship, while the compulsory worship itself will be multiplied as 70 times of virtues.

3. He (Rasul) is very generous. He like to give alm and also give food to the fasting person. Narrated by Imam Al-Bokhary that Rasul is the one who is the most bountiful mainly in Ramadhan. It is depicted that he is just like soft breeze, carrying much blessing and sowing happiness to all muslims.
He is also depicted that he is very large-hearted, even he never denies any demand that submitted to him.

4. He did much prayer mainly when he is about to break the fast. He voiced that it is the right time to do prayer (read surrahs, Quran, etc) when iftar is about to come. And the prayer that he did is that he said “Ya Allah, just because of you, I do fasting and through your blessings, I do iftar. Having gone the thrist, however I am still thristy of your blessings and virtues Ya Allah.”

5. He always did tadarus (reading Quran). Every single night, Jibril always came to meet him and read Quran together. The wisdom of his tadarus is that persuading his followers to read Quran, particularly everytime in Ramadhan or in the night after doing night prayer or tahajud.

6. Rasul increased his prayer mainly at the last ten days of ramadhan, it was done to gain the night of Laitalul Qadar. Abu Hurairah narrated that Rasul voiced “anyone who does prayer during this night with full of loyality and hope, Allah will pardon the sins that he/she has done.” As we know that doing prayer during this night, it is same as we do prayer during thousand months. And the most prayer that is voiced is that Ya Allah , you are the great merciful, bountiful and also forgiving. So forgive all my mistakes and sins Ya Allah.

Narrated that anyone who does maghrib and Isha prayer together (Jamea) at the night of Lailatul Qadar, he/she has got largely of virtue of Lailatul Qadar. Another narration said that anyone who does prayer Isha together at the night of Lailatul Qadar, he/she has completed a half of its night and anyone who does prayer together to its Subuh, he /she has completed fully the night of Lailatul Qadar.

            Those are all things that Rasul did during Ramadhan which is basically, he taught all of his followers to be more serious to gain the virtues such as doing the obedient, prayer, etc mainly social worship like helping another one, decreasing one’s burden of life, giving alm to an orphan. Besides it, Rasul taught his followers to avoid and get away of the deed of munkar, makruh, mubah and haram. Even he advised his followers that anyone who does not leave his bad and dirty deeds, his/her fast is useless, he/she does not gain anything except thrist and starve. Thus the way Allah multipies our acts of worship.


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