Thursday, July 11, 2013


The Virtues of Ramadan

          Before we go thorugh to the main discussion, we should understand what ramadan is. I’ve writen the definition of Ramadan itself to this blog, so I may not talk too much about it. Well, this is the theorem of Ramadan based on HR. Khuzaimah “Ramadan is a month which is full of patience and the return is heaven. Ramadan is a month of compensation that Allah opens the gate of blessings widely. For those who give any food to the fasting people, they will be forgiven for their sins and freed from the shackle of the hell and also they will be given blessing which is same as those fasting people without decreasing the blessing of  those people.”

           Here are some virtues of ramadan, eventhough there are still many virtues during this month.

1. The appearance of Leylat El Qadr that is much better than nights of thousand months. Usually this night is sigened by the comfort that is sensed different from the other nights, the night looks lighter and no rain. During this night, we are recommended to pray due to the great blessing that we will get. This night is only one time and available in ramadan, however some theologians voice that Leylat El Qadr occurs among the dates of  23rd, 25th,27th,and 29th.

2. The second is that being shackled to all the seniors of demonds and devils. In this month, we have a little bit freedom from those things. By shackling those evil creatures, people have no doubt to do good and wise things during ramadan.

3. The next is Allah opens all the gates of heaven and closes the gate of the hell. It will be the good thing that all of our prays will be accepted by Allah. Out of ramadan, this thing only happens on Monday and Thursday.

4. During this day, sleeping is counted to be a pray. As far as we know, sleeping means a lazy guy. But during this month, it is not. However do not be too much, it is better reading Quran than too much sleeping.

5. The next is that every breath is counted as a tasbih (Franco : Tsbee7). We never stop breathing everyday and for these special days, Allah will make our single breathe as a tasbih. What a great blessing!

6. The sixth is that our prays will be multiplied a thousand time by Allah. Thus, during this month, increasing the worship such as giving alm/sadaqoh (franco: sada2), etc. It will be very great. Every alm that we give, it is multiplied as 1000 blessings. The great amount that we have during ramadan.

source: https://lalumakan.wordpress.com/2013/06/28/keutamaan-bulan-ramadhan/

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