Sunday, January 13, 2013

RSBI is considered less fair in Indonesia

In Indonesia, RSBI (Rintisan Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional) is a dream school for every student. The school is built by the goverment to advance the development of education in Indonesia. It is a pioneering international school which its students are insisted to master english, because some subjects such as mathematics, sains, and english are delivered by english. On the other hand, the school is subsidized by the goverment aorund 400 to 500 million rupiahs, however, now the subsidy decreases to 250 million rupiahs per school (ekbis.rmol.co). Besides it, the school also has the right to gain the fee from the students. Behind of that RSBI is considered as a luxurious school by the society, it also has big effects to the nation itself. These are some effects that are caused by RSBI, the school makes a gap for the society, the teachers’ quality itself are still questioned in delivering the material, and the facilities between RSBI and non-RSBI.
The first is that the school makes a gap for the society. In RSBI, the fee that supports the education is very expensive for the lower class of society. It means that the students of RSBI are dominated by the rich while the poor has a difficulty to get a chance for that school. Although it provides 20% students from the lower class (antaranews.com), but it is only little amount while in Indonesia, the society is still dominated by the middle class. It may also happend that in learning process the poor feels self-estimated because the environment is dominated by the rich. There will be a descrimination between those whose higher social strata, they may feel reluctant to socialize themselves to those whose lower social strata. Moreover, for the students who are not in RSBI, they  feel that RSBI is only for the rich people whose high prestige and not for the lower society. The education here strangkles those who are not able to have a proper education like the other whose high authority.
The second is that the quality of the teachers are still questioned in delivering the material. The teachers in RSBI are not as good as the teachers who teach in common shools. In RSBI, the subjects of mathematics, sains, and english are delivered by using english. It is very clear that according to the article 36 of the Constitution, it is said that the Language in Indonesia is Bahasa (rhezarivana.blogspot.com). It means that as long as the place is still in the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia or NKRI, then it is sure that they must use indonesian as a delivered language which is inaugurated. Then for those students who used to speak indonesian, they feel confused because the delivered language is quiet different. Moreover, Itje Chodijah, the trainer of english in Jakarta, said in kompas, Wednesday, 25th april 2012 that the ability of the teachers in using english as a communication in teaching must have at least 800 score at the test of English international communication. But those teachers who reach more than 800 for the subjects of mathematics, and sains are only about 1 to 2.9 percent, and for english teachers are only 5.6 percent. From the statement above, the teachers of RSBI schools are not well qualified at speaking english. It can be occured that the focus on learning process does not point at the material, but it is about the way of the teacher in delivering the material by using english. If the teacher can not speak english well, above all the students. Moreover in teaching process, the using of english should be an academic english, not english for daily life and it needs more time to master. It is not unusual that many slogans in RSBI look little bit weird because they are translated in word by word. The teachers of RSBI have not been proper to be the teacher of RSBI itself.
The last one is that the facilities in RSBI are quiet different from the commom schools. in this shool, the number of group learning is maximum 36 pmembers in one rombel. The environment, especially the rooms are comfortable completed with AC. This can be proven by the using of goverment’s fee in facilitating this RSBI and also the school is allowed to ask for more fee from the students by the reasons of A to Z. RSBI is also allowed to make admission first before the common schools, it means that RSBI is able to select the students whose high-level intelligence more than the common schools do. While the common schools’ facilities are very less, it is a rare that the common schools have AC in every rooms. At least they have their own fans by swinging their books, and also the studentsin every room are not certain, around 42 members. Common schools make admission after the RSBI, it can be said that the common schools only receive the remainders of RSBI who are not accepted. The differences are seen clearly from both schools. These data of the different facilities are taken from edukasi.kompasiana.com/2012/12/06/mereka-sekolah-top-ya-pak-kalau-kita-508823.html
Thus, RSBI is a school which makes a gap and descrimination between the Indonesian people. Different strata is clearly exposed by seeing its fee and facilities, while the quality of its teachers are the same as the common schools in Indonesia.

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