Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Parents Are The Main Teachers for Children

Parents are the ones whom we have known since we were born. They are keys of the family, because their attitude will be imitated by the children in every case. At this modern age, many parents have realized that their children’s characteristics and attitudes are based on how their parents behave. However,  some parents who are less educated, they have not realized that anything what they do will not be imitated by the children because they already enroll their children to the formal schools. it will be absolutely true that the teachers in a formal school take a part to the students. However, they are not very closer to them than their parents, because the children spend much more time with their parents than the teachers. In this case, the roles of parents are very needed to build the children’s characteristics. These are several roles that parents should do to educate the children such as, developing the moral value in daily life started at the early age, controlling them whenever they do wrong steps or mistakes, and supporting them whenever they do positive things.
            The first is that the moral value development is very needed for the children at the early age. This thing is the base of children’s character building until they reach at adult age. If parents have worked this out, the children will be directed. The main moral value is that the rules of religion which is followed. That is the base of all deeds that they do because it will lead them to the right way whenever they almost do a wrong way. If it is planted well to the children, they will know and think more before doing somthing mainly for the thing that can harm them after being adult. For example, when they have a job which is honesty is the main of its priority, but the insistence of economics which is less than enough may make them do a wrong step such as embezzling money for a private need or it may be called as corruption or anything else. However, if they have a strong faith based on religion they hold, they may think that it is a digressing thing that may harm them in the afterlife. Parents also give them something like input which includes anything they can do or can not, like the words “if you respect  others, you will be respect too by them.” Anak akan mengetahui bagaimana seharusnya menghormati orang tua karena telah dibiasakan atau dididik oleh orang tua sejak kecil (Redi dan Oktafiani, 2007, hlm 41). It means that children will know how to respect the others if parents teach them during the childhood Redi and Oktafiani, 2007:41). That is a laudable thing that makes them able to survive in the real society. To teach about this, it is impossible for the children if they are given some speech, they will be bored and not enthusiasm. Parents can teach them by a fun way. There are many media that can support this thing, like watching cartoon which consists of moral value, reading a story and so on. Then after reading or watching a cartoon movie, parents tell them what lesson which can they gain from those. It is more beneficial than listening to the speech or explanation. Those are enjoyable ways that parents can do to lead or plant the children about the importance of moral value at the early age and apply it in a daily life.
Then the second is about controlling them whenever they do a wrong step. But here, controlling is not by forcing. In this case, mostly it happens to the teenagers who warmly want to do many things. Parents have to have more extra energy to watch them because if they do one mistake, it can be fatal. Most teenagers do anything they want without thinking about the effects. This is the role of parents to lead them so that their warmth is directed. It is very needed that parents should be closer to them due to they start to know new things in the world. In this case, the relation between parents and children should be opened, such as parents can act as their friends and share anything with them, father may share a thought with his son and mother shares a thought with her sister. It is better than when the children share the problems with their friends who may do not know about it and not well-experianced due to they are the same ages. It may danger them if they do it because not all friends are certainly good. Making friends is good but it should be under parents’ supervision. However, parents are the best friends, they can lead the children to the right way and give them some advise. But the fact is that some parents do not care about the development of children’s age. Whenever their children do a mistake, for example, at this age children coriously want to know about sex, drugs, alchohol and so on. If parents lose the control of watching them, they may suppose to ask about it with their friends, whereas, their friends do not know exactly about it. It is possible that they will try about what it is. And after parents know about what they did, they just slap or hit them or ask for them to go away. It mostly happens in the area that sex out of marriage is not allowed and also consuming achohol and drugs. This is a big mistake that parents do and it is parents’ fault. Parents should be open-minded with the children, although they do a mistake, slapping or hitting them is not the way out to solve the problem. Moreover, it does not give the time to turn back at the previous condition because it happened and it has happened. Thus, parents should give them advise before they do something and explain about the impacts. Parents’ affection is needed in this matter because it is the way to control the them and so far no parents give their children the wrong steps.
The third is that parents should support the children whenever they do positive things. Some parents sometimes have less attention with their children because they work too much and busy with their own careers. It is very important to support the children whenever they do a good thing, like getting rating in their class then parents should praise them or even give them reward so that they will be more motivated. Another good thing not only academic achievement but also parents should let them to learn how to live in society like joining any arganization or doing social service. Many parents are still reluctant to let their children learn about it, because they think that this event only distrubs their study. It is totally wrong that they still think like that. Based on Enda M. C Sosial adalah cara tentang bagaimana para individu saling berhubungan. It means that social is a way how an individual interacts. This event can lead the children live in a community which they have to adapt the environment, they can learn about how to respect the others, how to understand one’s feeling and so on. Moreover by doing so, the children will not be spoiled and depend on their parents and also they learn about responsibility then how to solve the problems and anything else. And also they can direct their desire into a good way, it is so much better than studying at home all the time. That is a very great thing that parents should let them do so. Parents also should know that academic acheievement can not determine the children’s future because socialization is more valuable than it. Thus, these are some good things that parents should advocate the children to do so, the children will be more independent and get more self-esteem in a positive way.
It can be concluded that by educating the children during the childhood until being adult such as planting them about the values in life, leading them to the right way and teaching them about everything they have not known until they get sucess, parents are the best teachers in life.

Haifa Wahbe - Baba feen / هيفاء وهبى - بابا فين

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