Monday, February 4, 2013

Museum Vredeburg

Museum Vredeburg is a fort that is located in street A. Yani in front of the Magestic building and imperial palace of yogyakarta. Nowadays, this fort becomes a museum which consists of the history of dutch colonization. The fort is built as the central goverment and resident dutch defense that time. The fort is surrounded by a moat which most of the marks has been reconstructed and can be seen up to now. This square fort also has tower monitor on the four coeners.
Vredeburg is built closely associated with the birth of Yogyakarta Sultanate. The Agreement of Giyanti on 13rd February 1755 succeeds finishing the completion between Susuhunan Pakubuwono III and prince Mangkubumi. It is the result of Dutch politics that always wants to interfere the internal affairs of javenese kingdoms that time.
Knowing the rapid development of the palace that is built by the Lane I, the netherlands feel worried and start proposing the Sultan to establish the fort which is close to the palace. The establishment is the pretext so that The Netherlands can protect environment around the palace. However, behind it all, actually The Netherlands want to know and control the development that happens in the palace. The location of the fort is only one cannon shot further from the palace and its location faces the main street through the palace. It becomes the indication that the purpose of that fort is to make a strategy, intimidation, and blockade. It can be said that the purpose of the building is to watch the sultan anytime he turns his face against the dutch.

Year 1760-1765
Before the fort is built on the present location, in 1760 on the request of Netherland, Sultan Hamengkubuwono I has built a square fort which is very simple. At the four corners, there are four secures name seleka or bastion, Jayawisesa (northwest corner), Jayapurusa (northeast corner), Jayaprakosaningprang (southwest corner), and Jayaprayitna (the southeast corner).
According to Nicolas Hartingh, the state of the fort was very modest. The wall was made ​​of soil and reinforced by wood and coconut palm trees as a buffer. Inside the building, it  consists of bamboo and wood with thatched roofs. When W.H Ossenberch replaces the position of Nicolas Hartingh in 1765, he proposes Sultan that the fort should be strengthen by a permanent building to ensure the progress. The proposal then is granted, the establishment is done under the supervision of the dutch architectural named Ir. Frans Haak. At the begining of the constructuion in 1760, the status of the land is owned by the sultanate, however, in the use of it, the land is given to the Dutch as a present under the supervision of Nicolas Harthingh, governor of the Director of the North Coast of Java, Semarang.

Year 1765-1788
W.H. Van Ossenberg’s proposal, which says that the fort is made to be refined, is fulfilled in 1767. This period is a refinement in a more targeted Citadel on one form stronghold. Based on the plan, the construction will be finish later bthat year, however, the process runs slow and finishes in 1787. It happens because the Sultan who holds this progress is very busy in establishing the palace of Yogyakarta. After it is finished, the fort is named Rustendurg which has a meaning “the bastion of rest”.
In this period, the formal judicial status of the land still belongs to the Sultanate but the de facto, the control of the castle and the land are held by the Dutch.

Year 1788-1799
This period, it is the time that the fort is used by the Netherland in maximum way. The bankruptcy of VOC in 1799 led to the mastery of the fort is taken over by Bataafsche Republic (Dutch Government). So that the de facto government-owned Dutch kingdom. During this period, the status of the formal judicial fort still belongs to the Sultanate, the de facto controlled by the Dutch.

Year 1799-1807
The Status of formal judicial fortress land still belongs to the Sultanate, but the use of the castle belongs de facto Bataafsche Republic (Dutch Government) under the Governor Van Den Burg. The fort still serves as the headquarters of defense.

Year 1807-1811
In this period, the fort is taken over by the management of the Royal Holland (the Netherlands). The formal judicial status of the land still belongs to the Sultanate, but the de facto becomes the property of the Royal Netherlands Government under the Governor of Herman Willem Daendels.

Year 1811-1816
When the British comes to power Indonesia in 1811 - 1816, the fort is controlled by england under the supervision of Lieutenant Governor Thomas Stamford Raffles. But in a short time the Dutch can take over. The formal judicial fort still belongs to the Sultanate.

Year 1816-1942
In 1867, earthquake happens in Yogyakarta that destroys many big buildings such as Resident Building that is built in 1824, Pal White Memorial, and Fort Rustenburg and other buildings. Soon the buildings are rebuilt. The rustenburg then is replaced with Vredeburg which means peace fort, the name is taken as a manifestation of the relationship between the Sultanate of Yogyakarta and the Dutch, because there is no assault between each other.
The shape of the fort remains as the begining construction. At the four corners are built secure spaces called seleka or bastion. The gate which faces west surrounded by a moat. Inside the building, it consists of the officers’ houses, soldiers dormitory, warehouse logistics, warehouse gunpowder, soldiers hospital and home resident. In Vredeburg, it is housed about 500 soldiers, including medics and paramedics. Besides it, during the reign of the Dutch East Indies, it is used for the protection of the residents who are on duty in Yogyakarta. It is very possible because the office of the resident which is opposed to the location of Vredeburg. In line with the political development in Indonesia that occurs from time to time, then there is also a change of the status of ownership structure and the of function Vredeburg.
The status of the fort remains to the Sultanate, but the de facto, it remains to the Dutch. It is because of the big relationship between them, the sultanate can not do further in owning the fort, until the japanese army troops occupied the fort in 1942 after the Dutch surrendes to the Japanese to be marked with Kalijati Agreement in March 1942 in West Java.

Japanese Period
On 7th march 1942, Japanese goverment impsoses the Act No. 1 of 1942 that the regional leadership position continues to be recognized but is under the supervision of Kooti Zium Tjokan Kyoku (Japan governor) with offices in Building Tjokan Kantai (the Great building). Japanese military power center is placed beside Kotabaru and also centered in Vredeburg. The Japanese troops stationed in Vredeburg Kempetai are the army who are famous with their truculently. Besides it, Vredeburg fort is also used as a place of detention for prisoners of the Dutch and Indo Dutch who are captured. Also the Indonesian politicians that are successfully captured because they are supposed holding a maneuver against Japan.
            In order to fulfill the need of weapons, the japanese soldiers brings the weapons from semarang. Before they disribute the weapons, the soldiers put the weapons inside the Vredeburg. The ammunition dump located at each corner of the fort except in the northeast corner. It is by the consideration that the region's security is guaranteed. Placing ammunition dump in every corner of the fort is intended to ease the army when the war suddenly happens.
Japanese mastery over Vredeburg lasted from 1942 until 1945, when the proclamation is reverberated and the nationalization of the buildings occupied by the Japan began to be fulfilled. During that period, although the de facto is controlled by the japanese but the formal judicial status of the land still belongs to the Sultanate.
From the description, it can be said that during the Japanese occupation (1942-1945) the building is functioned as a fortress Vredeburg Kempeitei army headquarters, ammunition warehouses and prisons for the Dutch and Indo Dutch and Indonesian politicians who oppose Japan.

Independence period

Year 1945-1970s
The news of the proclamation of Indonesia's independence is greeted with relief by all the people of Yogyakarta. Added with the release statement lane IX (Statement of 5th September 1945) followed by Sri Paku Alam VIII which contains much support for the establishment of a new country, the Republic of Indonesia, the spirit of the people are getting more excited.
As a result, there are many spontaneous actions, like raising the flag, the seizure of the building as well as Japan's disarmament. The strong Japanese troops are still in Yogyakarta, causing the violent clashes as happened in Kotabaru, Yogyakarta. In the action of deprivation building or other facility owned by Japanese, Vredeburg is also one of the targets.
After the fort is occupied by the RI (Republic of Indonesia), for further treatment is given to the military institution. It is then used as a dormitory and headquarters troops who are joined in the squad by code staff "Q" under the Lieutenant Commander Young I Radio, who is in charge of military supplies. Therefore, it is not impossible that this period of Vredeburg also serves as the headquarters as well as warehouse supplies including weapons, ammunition, and so forth. In 1946 in the complex hospital Vredeburg is established to serve the victims of the fighting troops. Also the progress of the hospital also serve the soldiers and their families.
In 1946, the political situation in Indonesia is experiencing insecurity when the different perception of the meaning of the revolution is happening. It is erupted event known as "The events of July 3rd, 1946", the attempt of coup led by Maj. Gen. Soedarsono. Due to these efforts fail then the characters involved in the incident as Mohammad Yamin, Tan Malaka and Soedarsono are arrested as the political prisoners, they are ever placed in Vredeburg.
During the Dutch Military Aggression II (December 19, 1948) Vredeburg which is used as a military headquarters RI becomes a target of bombing planes of  Netherlands. The Offices of society's Security Army is destroyed. After mastering the airfield of Maguwo, the dutch soldiers who join the Brigade led by Colonel Van Langen T managed to control the city of Yogyakarta, including Vredeburg. Furthermore Vredeburg is used as the headquarters of the Dutch army who join the IVG (informatie voor Geheimen), the secret service of the Dutch army. In addition Vredeburgis  also functioned as a dormitory and the dutch soldiers also use it to store heavy weapons such as tanks, armored cars and other military vehicles.
When a General Offensive March 1st, 1949, as an effort to demonstrate that the world that Indonesia is still there along with the military, Vredeburg is the  one of the targets of the other buildings controlled by the Dutch as a post office, railway station, Hotel Toegoe, The Great Building, and barracks of Kotabaru. About 6 six hours Yogyakarta can be mastered by military fighters and their attendants. After the Dutch army reinforcements are brought from Magelang come to Yogyakarta, the military and the people retreat to the countryside and do the guerrilla struggle.
After the Dutch leaves the city of Yogyakarta, Vredeburg is controlled by APRI (Armed Forces of the Republic of Indonesia). Then, the management is handed over to the Military Academy fort Yogyakarta. At that time, Ki Hajar Dewantara never takes his idea that Vredeburg is used as a cultural event. But the idea is stalled due to the events of "national tragedy" Rebellion G 30 S / PKI 1965. At that time temporarily Vredeburg which is used as a place of political prisoners associated with the events of the G 30 S / PKI is directly under the control of Defence.
The plan about preservation Vredeburg is started more evident after 1976. It is held the fort building feasibility study conducted by the Institute for Rural and Regional Studies at Gadjah Mada University in Yogyakarta. After the research, the effort toward restoration Vredeburg former is about to begin.

Year 1977-1992
In this period, the status of the control and management of the fort HANKAM is never submitted to the Regional Government of Yogyakarta. The signing of a treaty on the use of former Vredeburg by Sri Sultan HB IX (part I) and Mendibud Dr. Daoed Joesoef (part II) is held on August 9th, 1980. In this period Vredeburg has been used as a venue for art Jamboree (26th to 28th August 1978), Education and training Dodiklat Police. Also it has been used as a garrison headquarters and the headquarters of the Army 072 Battalion 403. In addition, the  formal judicial status of the land still belongs to the Sultanate. By the consideration of Vredeburg former building consists of great significance. So the  former of Vredeburg is defined as objects of cultural heritage by the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 0224/U/1981.
On the use of the building Vredeburg, it is confirmed again by Prof. Dr. Nugroho Notosusanto (Mendikbud RI) on 5th November 1984 who says that the former building Vredeburg will be functioned as a national struggle museum managed by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia.
Charter agreement and letter lane IX No. 359/HB/85 on 16th April 1985 states that the changes to the layout of the buildings within the fort complex Vredeburg is permitted in accordance with the requirements as a museum. For further, it is conducted a restoration of the former fort and later converted into a museum. In 1987 the museum has been able to be visited by the public.

Year 1992-present
Through Decree RI Education Minister Prof. Dr. Fuad Hasan 0475/O/1992 on 23rd November 1992, it is officially that Vredeburg is a special Museum of National Resistance under the name Fortress Museum of Yogyakarta.
To improve the function of the museum, this museum gets overflow to manage Struggle Museum of Yogyakarta in Brontokusuman as the state museum of DIY Sonobudoyo. Based on the Decree of the Minister of Culture and Tourism No. KM 48/OT.001/MKP/2003 on December 5th, 2003, Museum Vredeburg Yogyakarta is the Technical Unit based on the Ministry of Culture and History and Antiquities Deputy.
Furthermore, according to the Decree of the Minister of Culture and Tourism Number: KM 48/OT.001/MKP/2003 on December 5th, 2003 Museum Vredeburg Yogyakarta has its position, the main duty and function are as a special museum which is a technical Unit based at the Ministry of Culture and History and Antiquities Deputy in charge of implementing the collection, maintenance, preservation, research, presentation, publication of research results and provide guidance regarding educational cultural and historical objects the struggle of Indonesia in Yogyakarta.

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