
kind of snakes is predator. They can camouflage temselves around the bush or
waterworks. They suddenly attack the prey by twisting the object until it gets
feeble. They will generally not attack humans unless startled or provoked,
although females protecting their eggs can be aggressive. Reports of attacks on
human beings were once more common in South and Southeast Asia, but are now
quite rare.
Prey is killed by a process known as constriction;
after an animal has been grasped to restrain it, a number of coils are hastily
wrapped around it. Then, by applying and maintaining sufficient pressure to
prevent it from inhaling, the prey eventually succumbs due to asphyxiation.
The pressures produced during constriction have recently been suggested to
cause cardiac arrest by interfering with blood flow, but this hypothesis has not yet been

Contrary to popular belief, even the larger
species, such as the reticulated python, P. reticulatus, do not crush their prey to death; in
fact, prey is not even noticeably deformed before it is swallowed. The speed
with which the coils are applied is impressive and the force they exert may be
significant, but death is caused by suffocation, with the victim not being able
to move its ribs to breathe while it is being constricted.
lay eggs (oviparous). This sets them apart from the family Boidae (boas),
most of which bear live young (ovoviviparous).
After they lay their eggs, females will typically incubate them until they
hatch. This is achieved by causing the muscles to "shiver", which
raises the temperature of the body to a certain degree, and thus that of the
eggs. Keeping the eggs at a constant temperature is essential for healthy
embryo development. During the incubation period, females will not eat and only
leave to bask to raise their body temperature.
Most species in this
family are available in the exotic pet trade. However, caution must be
exercised with the larger species, as they can be dangerous; rare cases of
large specimens killing their owners have been documented.
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