Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Legend of Prambanan

A long time ago there was a great empire called prambanan. That empire was very beautiful and the folks there lived in peace. The king was very so wise that the people adore him. However, someday the empire was attacked by the Pengging Kingdom. The peace of prambanan was shaken. Its soldiers could not face the invansion of pengging’s kingdom. Finally the empire of prambanan was defeated by Pengging and was led by Bandung Bondowoso.
Bondowoso was a leader who liked summoning its folks harshly. “Anyone who does not obey what I ask for, I will give you a strict punishment, I might hang you until you die” said Bondowoso. Bondowoso was a supernatural leader that had demon henchemen. Not very long time Bondowoso mastered the kingdon of prambanan, he observed Roro Jonggrang, the daughter of king prambanan who was very beautiful. “That princess is very beautiful, I want her to be my wife ” thought Bondowoso.
The next morning, Bondowoso came to Roro Jonggrang. “You are so beautiful, my heart leaps out when I see your face, it is like a moon, will you be wife Roro Jonggrang?” said Bondowoso. Roro Jonggrang felt shocked after she knew what Bondowoso confessed. “This mn is really impolite, he does not know me but he wants to marry me” grumbled Roro Jonggrang. She became confused and did not know what to do. Roro Jonggrang then thought about it in her room. “If I refuse what Bondowoso wants, surely he is going to be angry and destroys everything” said Roro Jonggrang. Roro Jonggrang did not like him at all due to his harsh attitute to the people, she then found a way how to refuse Bodowoso’s will softly.
The next day she then came to Bondowoso and said that she would be his wife if he could build 1000 temples in one night. Bondowoso shocked and and got angry. He had no idea on how to build 1000 temples during one night. Finally he then asked his advisor. The advisor told Bondowoso ask for help from the spirits. The he agreed.
After all things had been prepared by Bondowoso, then he stood on the big rock. He put his hands up and said “The great spirits, please help me! Help me build 1000 temples” said Bondowoso. The cloud became dark, the moon was covered by it. the spirits the came and said “What can we do my lord?” “please help me build 1000 tenples in one night” asked Bondowoso. The spirits then started to fulfill Bondowoso’s will. In a short time, the temples built almost 1000.
Meanwhile, Roro Jonggrang observed them from a far. She got worried that they almost fulfilled the temples. She the went to her attendants. They were woken up by Roro Jonggrang and she wanted them to pound the dimple and the cocks crowed. Some of them fire the straw so that it was like the morning rised.
The spirits thought that the sun had risen. They had to leave soon before the sun burned them. They left their work in a crowded way. Bondowoso felt wondered seeing his spirits. Bondowoso then invited roro Jonggrang to see the temple. “The temples that you want has been fulfilled” said Bondowoso. Roro Jonggrang soon counted them. The temples were only 999. It means that Bondowoso failed in fulfilling roro Jonggrang’s will. Bondowoso he got very angry. “If it is so, then you must be the 1000th temple” said Bondowoso. He then bewitched her to be temple.
Until now, the temple is still available. The statue of Roro Jonggrang is calle roro jonggrang temple. The temples are located in Prambanan so it is called Prambanan temple.
Source: http://legendakita.wordpress.com/2007/11/06/legenda-candi-prambanan/

Friday, February 22, 2013


           A cat is an intelligent and cute pet. The name of cat usually points at the big cat such as tiger or lion, however cat here refers to the cat which has been domesticated. In this world, the kind of cats has been found and spread in various places, even some of them are imported from one place to another place due to their unique characters and shapes. Here these kinds of cats can be read as follows:

1. Balinese
This cat has a similar appearance as siamese. However, its head, fur, tail, body are longer. Its voice is more smooth than siamese. Although it has long fur, but it can be groomed easily. This cat has an oriental shape, it is because of the mutation. Its color is “colorpoint”.

2. Birman
This cat from Myanmar was taken care by the monk. Based on the historical records, this cat was brought to France in 1919. Then in 1925 this cat was listed as an independent race. Like a balinese, this cat has long hair and a colorpoint pattern.

3. Maine Coon
This cat from America has a big shape like a dog. Naturally, this cat has long fur and the patterns are for all colors.

4. Norwegian Forest
This cat is from Norway and has fluffy fur. The shape is average, long fur and has patterns for all colors.

5. Persian
This cat from Iran has very long fur as its thew. Naturally, this cat has a cobby shape and all color patternss.

6. Ragamuffin
This cat is from America which has been intercrossed with a cat whose cobby shape. Its fur is long and has patterns for all colors.

7. Somali
Somali cat is from America. It has a black line a long the back till the tail. This cat is the result of mutation and has an average shape. Its fur is long and has “ticked” color.

8. Ragdoll
The thew of this cat is that it has color only its head, feet, ears and tail. This cat is a hybrid and has a cobby shape. The fur is not very long and has colorpoint pattern.

9. Siberian
The cat is from Russia. It has been well-known since a thousand years ago. The fur is not very long and has colors for all patterns.

10. Turkish Angora
This cat is from Turkey and also a germplasm of that country. Naturally this cat has an average shape. Its fur is rather long and has all color patterns.

11. American Bobtail
This american cat has a short tail and wild appearance, however it can adapt the environment easily. This personality is like a dog in obeying its employer. This cat is the hybrid of semicobbyy. Its fur is not long and has all color patterns.

12. American Curl
This american cat has a common character. Its ears are upright facing forward. The cat was born with straight ears, however on the 5th day, the ears will be upright. These ears will be permanent at the age of 16 weeks. This cat is the result of mutation of a medium-bodied cat.

13. Japanese Bobtail
This japanese cat has a very short tail. Based on the historical records, this ancestor of this cat was from China and Korea. Naturally, this cat has an average shape. The fur is short and has all color patterns.

14. Manx
This english cat has no tail at all. It has an average shape and short fur. The cat has all color patterns.

15. Oriental
This cat, which has a similar shape as siamese, has more than 300 kinds of colors. It has short fur and average shape.

16. Scottish Fold
This cat has folded ears and cobby shape. It has short fur and all color patterns.

17. Selkirk Rex
This cat is a new race which is mutated from a cat which has an average shape. Rex’s fur is short and has all color patterns.

18. Abyssinian
This egyptian cat is the oldest race of all races. Its appearance is similar to the felis lybica, the encestor cat from Africa that becomes a predecessor for all domestic cats. This cat has an oriantal shape, short fur and has thicked color pattern.

19. American shorthair
The ancestor of this cat is from North America. Based on the history, this cat was brought from England through Mayflower Ship. It was purposed to hunt mice in the ship. Finally this cat breeds and originally becomes a north american cat. It has an average shape and short hair.

20. American Wirehair
This cat has fur like wire that has been owned since it was born. This race was listed at the first time in 1967, then began to be shown in 1978. This cat was from mutation and has an average shape.

21. Bombay
This cat was fron the hybrid of dark male american shorthair and grand champion sable burmese. It is a belief that this cat is a mixture of three animals, cat, dog and monkey. It has an average shape, short, and solid color.

22.  British Shorthair
This english cat is a descent of romanian cat. This race is the oldest one in England. It has a cobby shape and all color patterns.

23. Burmese
This cat is from Myanmar. It is the hybrid of walnut-brown from Myanmar and siamese cat. It has an average shape, short hair.

24. Exotic Shorthair
This American cat is similar to the persian, however it has very short hair. This cat is suitable for one who does not have much time to care it. this cat is hybrid and has a cobby shape and all color patterns.

25. Chartreux
This name is associated with the pastor Carthusian. This cat is from france. Also its name is associated with the fur which is similar to spain wol in 18 century. The cat has solid color, short hair.

26. Colorpoint Shorthair
This cat is a hybrid of domestic shorthair and siamese. The difference of this cat from siamese is that there are 16 spots around the body. This oriental cat has short hair and solid color.

27. Egyptian Mau
This cat has been noted in many kinds of egyptian history. This cat is a hybrid of an african wild cat with spotted fur. This cat has spots and short hair.

28. Havana Brown
This english cat is hybrid of dark domestic cat and brown siamese. The purification of this cat has been done since 1950. This race is purely brown. It has an average shape, short hair and solid color.

29. Korat
This cat is from Thailand and has special eyes. They are bigger and more expressive. It has short hair and solid color.

30. Ocicat
This cat is hybrid of abbyssinian, siamese and american shorthair. It has spotted color and average shape.

31. Russian blue
This cat has blue fur and green eyes. It has an average shape, short hair and solid color.

32. Siamese
This cat is from Thailand. It was well-known by english people since the embassador of england reveived this cat as a gift from the Thailand Empire. This cat is also known by americans and over the world. It has colorpoint fur.

33. Singapore
This singaporean cat has a very small shape, smaller than abbyssian. It has very small feet. Its eyes and head are big. It has short hair and ticked color.

34. Cornish Rex
It is a domestic cat. It has no hair. Most of them have three layers of hair. Outer feather, around 5 cm in shorthair and 10cm in longhair. The middle hair well-known as awn. The hair is curly because of mutation.

35. Devon Rex
This cat has been breeded since 1960. This cat is the mutation of cornish rex and german rex. It has hair over the body, it is rough and stuffy. The fur is waterproof. Devon rex is a unique cat because it has curly hair over its feet. The eyes are rather big and the ears are very big. This cat is very active, friendly and like perching one’s shouldier. It is also intelligent and can be trained to walk on the rope.

36. Tonkinese
This canadian cat has fur lika burmese cat with blue eyes. It has an average shape and solid color.

37. LaPerm
This cat was born without hair, the curly hair will grow at the age of 8 weeks. It has rex fur and has all color patterns.

38. Sphynx
This canadian cat has no fur at all. It has all color patterns.

Source: Merawat kucing kesayangan by Wikrama Satyadarma and Ryan Masanto.