Wednesday, February 13, 2013

An Advise to The Bus Drivers

Bus driver is a one who is skilled in driving a bus and he is also given the responsibility in controlling the bus based on the rules of driving. This time, besides the rise of private vehicles such as motor and car, not a few people still choose a bus as their public transportation. People, mainly for those who live in Yogyakarta, choose this alternative because this kind of transportation has a low cost. Here, a bus driver should take care the passengers and the other vehicles which pass the road, however, some bus drivers here often forget that safety is the main priority. Some people judge that bus drivers sometimes can be a brutal enemy on the road to the other users such as using diesel fuel too much and careless in driving.
Many buses use diasel fuel too much that makes pollution around the road. It will be very dangerous for the people mainly children who pass through the bus with much fumes. Diesel fumes can cause  various diseases, scientists of Scotland has recently discovered that the small particles which are produced by the combustion of diesel is harmful for blood vessels and able to increase the likelihood of blood clots forming in the arteries. The result can lead to heart attack or stroke. Based on the research above, it can be said that the impact of diesel can lead them to the death, it can be imagined that if this kind of fumes is breathed by the children, it will create an unhealthy generation. This will make the condition worse and very distrubing. Not only heart disease, but it also can cause lung cancer and bladder based on International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in France. This bothering fumes may look a simple thing that it is only fumes, however the impact can be a long-term. Then, unfortunately most people in Yogyakarta may have not realized that the impact will be in the future. They consider that it is just diesel which has no impacts. Thus, the using of diesel fuel of bus should be reduced in order to make the environment more healthy, mainly for those people who live close to the road.
The next is that many bus drivers drive improper in behavior or mischievous. On the road, bus drivers often disobey the traffic light. On yellow, they often increase the speed so that they can pass before the traffic light becomes red. That is a dangerous behavior that can cause an accident to the other drivers. The rule is that on yellow, all drivers have to prepare themselves to stop the vehicles, not increasing the speed. It will be very dangerous when the bus drivers  do it while the other users want to stop their vehicles, accident may happen. Not only like that, but they also pass after the light changes to red for some seconds. Sometimes, bus drivers keep passing after yellow to red. It means that when the light from yellow changes to red, they do not stop the bus. It will endanger the pedestrians who want to pass on the cross line. Whatever it is, bus drivers has grabbed the pederstrians’ right to walk. Sometimes, even the pedestrians have to make concessions about it and then when the accident almost happens, they just shout a long the way and insult the pedestrians. This will make more cruelty on the road and for the bus drivers, they should be embarrased. Then the next one is that they often stop the bus in a sudden way when there is a passanger wants to take it. Bus drivers often careless when they want to stop the bus, they do not care the other vehicles which are passing behind them. Often an accident happens due to this action. The other vehicles may hit the bus from behind when they stop it suddenly and its bus drivers will not get hurt, however the other users particularly who ride a motor will be injured. Surely, it harms the other users both the pedestrians and the other drivers. Here, bus drivers should take care of the other users’ right in using the way. They have to respect the other users or it can be a threat to the other drivers that bus drivers are the most cruel drivers a long the street.
It can be concluded that bus driver should reduce the using of diesel fuel due to the environment and respect to the other users both pedestrians and the other drivers. All users have the same rights in using the road without exception. Thus, the kindness is the most important for all drivers.

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