Saturday, May 16, 2015

Best Places to Propose Your Woman

Not few men are still confused in deciding where the suitable places for proposing their women. Even some of them just do what they can and the result is nothing special. Actually, there are many places that are romantic for proposing a woman and even you can make it more romantic by adding some touch. The list below is the places that many men choose to propose their women.

1.      Fancy restaurant
Many men choose this place for their proposal because it’s romantic and luxurious.  Who doesn’t like a fancy restaurant? Everyone likes it, particularly for women. Give your partner an unforgettable proposal while having dinner. So what are you waiting for? Reserve a table for this important moment. Or you can make your own dinner with your own decoration, that would be so much romantic because you make it by yourself. Just make the place as romantic as you can by adding more candles and flowers. Women like it with dim light and slow music too, so don’t forget these ones. Also arrange some romantic poems to make her melt. After having dinner, you can directly propose her by showing the ring or you can put it on the serving plate and ask her to open it.

2.      At a concert
Concert is also the best way to express your feeling. Many couples do this unforgettable moment on the stage and the men get what they want. You just need to prepare your mentality and double tickets because it will not be easy to express your feeling in front of the audience. But for a woman, it will be so romantic because you express your feeling and let the people know that you love her. Moreover, by watching and listening to the singer that you both love while doing a special moment are the most valuable event that will stay forever in your mind as a beautiful memory.

3.      Public place
Proposing a woman in public place is also chosen by some men because they want everyone to know that they love their women and it’s not easy for the men to express it. There will be some nervousness and shame if she refuses the man’s love but it’s the risk, be a winner or a loser. Some public places that may men choose are like in front of the office area, cafe or on the side of the fortune statue in the middle of the fountain while many people are walking around for their own business.

4.      Romantic places
Romantic places can be on the side of the lake, in the garden or in the historic ancient palace. You can imagine how romantic it will be if you propose your woman on the rowboat in the lake. Or in front of the historic palace as you both acted as if you were a prince and a princess. Both places are good to express your proposal and also you can make those as your private historic memories.

Becoming a Modern Woman

It is the 21st century, the era of modernization. Mainly for women, they are not supposed to do anything at home only and serve their husbands. The time has changed and women can even be more than men. Becoming a modern woman in this century is a must for each one. So get your move, leave your old habits and rock the world. These are some steps for being a modern woman.

1.      Job/career
Not only men, women also have the right to have a job and career. In many developed countries, women mostly have their own job and their lives do not depend on their husbands. Time is money, that’s what Mr. Crab always yells. Many women in this era contribute their abilities and innovation and give something new in the world’s development, even they can be more intelligent more than men. So, there is no perception that women’s roles are only being at home and do the house chores. That’s an old thought and primitive.

2.      Mobilization
Get your movements ladies. The world is wide, there are many things to be discovered and learned. Don’t stick yourself in your cage or you’ll miss the opportunity. Go travel to the place you want to and find new knowledge. It means that women also have the right of being far from their home because of their needs like studying and job career or even traveling. So, go and this world is under your feet ladies.

3.      Open-minded
The world is colorful. There are many things different from one to another. So, don’t be plebeian. Be ready to accept the change such as technology, culture, ethnicity and many more. Ladies, you should be ready for a change that comes in your life, don’t stick yourself in your monotone life, just be flexible, break the wall of darkness and free yourself. Give welcome to the new world.

4.      Life style
Ladies like to be stylish and attractive. Get your furry coat and pink boats. It means that in this modernization, physical appearance and style are a must. Who doesn’t want to look beautiful? No one. Charm is the dream of ladies and style is something that goes with it. So ladies, leave your old fashioned mode and be beautiful with the recent brands of new styles. Grab your new branded bag and have a date with your man in a fancy restaurant.

5.      Marriage?
The possibility that marriage will ruin your body and career may be right. The limited mobilization because you have a baby can be right too. Many women are still confused if they should get married or not. The important thing is you can build your career and spend your productive age in your field and get married after it is fulfilled. Many busy women in the developed countries get married at the age of 30 or maybe more and most of them spend their lives in their careers or business one. The rate of divorce and cheating are also high that those mostly happen to the young couples. So, marriage can be a need too but one thing that you ladies should know is that you should look for a partner who understands your business and give tolerance to you.

6.      Attitude
The insist of good attitude is needed when you want to be a modern woman. Becoming an educated one is the main thing that you must have. Women tend to be soft and understanding. Remember ladies, you are not an emotional teen who is unstable in facing anything in front of you, so keep calm and be mature. Then, pay attention to your speech and the way you act. Like when you do arguments with your friends, you must be respectful, smart and don’t be low self-esteem. Remember, you are an educated woman, you are mentally constructed and you are gorgeous. You are the most precious creature, so make the people around you happy and comfortable.

7.      Equalization
This is not the primitive era which women have lower status than men. This 21st is the state that both men and women are equal, they have the same right in everything. For those ones who still think that ladies should stay at home, do the house chores and care the babies, they are just left behind. So ladies, never think that your state is limited, mostly when you have a family. So, sharing the house chores with your partner can be the best choice and you can enjoy the life.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Man’s Birthday Present

Are you ladies still confused in deciding what present for your man’s birthday? Do you suck when you have to choose what present is suitable for him? Or you really don’t have any idea about it because your man is unpredictable? Well, most men tend to be a mystery, they rarely talk about themselves and they even never think about a birthday present. There are so many choices of presents for men, Ladies. The list below reveals some birthday presents for your man and you can choose what you like to give.

1.      Office tools
The common gift for your man’s birthday is based on his work. It’s easy to be found depends on what his job is. Just like when he works in the office, you can give him what he needs in his work such as office tools.

a.      Bag
All he needs when he goes to work is bag. Bag is the common gift which is easy to be found and more useful. And the matter of style and color you can observe his previous one, then you can reveal what he likes and what he usually uses. Or you may give him a different one which suits his appearance.

b.      Smartphone
Smartphone is also good for your man’s business. It’ll be useful for mobilization anywhere he is. Nowadays people need a practical and sophisticated technology for wider connection mainly for the business affairs. So, get him a new smartphone that will support him in his stuffs.

c.       Laptop
All people need laptop for their work. It’s also the primary requirement for the one who works in an office. When you want your man to be successful, so get him a new laptop for his birthday. He will be extremely happy because he absolutely needs it mainly from his partner.

d.      Tablet
The more practical one than laptop is tablet. It can be brought everywhere he goes and he can open it anytime without griping how heavy it is. Moreover, the design of tablet is smaller and light. You man will look stylish, professional and smart.

e.       A set of stationery
The office tool that is no less important is a set of stationary. A set of stationary will help him do his business. Not only students, but business man also needs it for the office supplies.

2.      Accessories
The things that your man can wear everyday are accessories. Those are the needs that will improve your man’s appearance, style and prestige. There are many accessories for man but the common things that he can wear in daily activities are such as:

a.      Tie
Whenever he goes to work, he better wears tie. Tie is a common accessory that symbolizes an office worker. You can decide the color of it by seeing what shirts that he usually wears daily whenever he works. Or you can ask him which one is his favorite shirt so you can match it with the tie you will give to him.

b.      Shoes
Shoes also symbolize the prestige of man. A pair of new shoes in his birthday will make him more confident and motivated, moreover if the gift is from his partner, he will be much happier.

c.       Watch
It will be the most luxurious gift if you can give a stylish and masculine watch for your partner. Watch can give an addition look for him, besides its style, watch also makes your man more on time and there will be no excuses to be late whenever you have an appointment. So, make your man fashionable and punctual by giving him a new watch for his birthday.

d.      Belt
A belt is also an important accessory for your man whenever you hang out with him. If you care about your man’s appearance, you can give him this one for additional look. Beside tightening the pants for not being sagged, nowadays belt is also as a complement to give a better style.

e.       A set of perfume
Giving a set of perfume to your man’s birthday is also the easy way that most women choose. It is also a romantic gift because perfume can make a woman melt and also give seduction to a woman. You can choose whatever you want and which makes you comfortable whenever you are with him, but you should also have attention to your partner whether he will be comfortable and like the perfume you will give or not. And only you who know him better.

f.       Grooming tools
Who doesn’t like a man with a neat and clean face? Most women like it. Then, a set of grooming tools can be good present for your man’s birthday. Though, this stuff is rarely chosen by women for their men’s birthday present, but there is nothing wrong to be tried if you really care about the grooming habit of your partner.

3.      Hobby
The next step to give a gift to your man’s birthday is about his hobby. It’s extremely easy because you know what he likes. You just need to observe what he usually does in his spare time or you can ask him directly what he is interested in. If you are his partner, you must have known it from the beginning of the relationship.

a.      Sport
Men like sport and you know what you need to give him. If your man likes playing football, you can give him a ball or a pair of football shoes. Or when he likes playing baseball, you can give him a baseball bat or anything related to it. That’s easy, so go and find your man’s interest and give him what he likes.

b.      Game
Many men also spend their spare time by playing a game. When your partner is interested in it, you can give him what he needs to play. Like playstation or video game cassette. But it is recommended that you shouldn’t give him a luxurious one or he may spend his whole time with it regardless your existence, but not all guys do it. You can also give him a CD so that he can install it to his computer or laptop.

c.       Art
This is the interesting one. Some men pay their attention to the art and when you have your man like this, you just need to find what art he is interested in. Just like when he likes collecting the antique and historic things, you should give him one. Or if he likes sculpture, you give him a chisel that he may sculpt and make a statue of yourself.

d.      Music
This one is what most women do and it is the predictable gift for your man’s birthday. People like music and they have their own favorite singer and your man should have that one. You can give him a CD of his favorite singer and you can listen to it with him, this will be romantic. Or another thing you can do is giving him a ticket for live concert, it will be more meaningful that you can spend the time with your man, watching his favorite singer singing live and this will be an unforgettable birthday gift.

4.      Vacation
The most impressive gift for your man’s birthday is bringing him to a far place and spending the time together. Vacation is the most coveted birthday gift. Get the tickets and go fly to the unique, romantic and most wanted place. Like Paris, Spain,Niagara, falls or whatever. Just make the dream come true for the place that he has been dreaming in his life, it will be the most memorable experience for you both.